concealed carry draws - Taurus TH 9 mm ♉🐂 17 +1 capacity, Hornady critical duty 135 grain ftx

1 year ago

single hand draws, you may need your other hand for something or being used when your in a defense situation, the most important draw is a single hand draw not dependent on other hand to complete the grip, most defense situations ate with in 7 yards, you can get the first shot on target with one hand and then meet up the second shot and there after with a two hand grip, bob stasch a Chicago cop was in over 14 gun fights and mentioned things happen so fast as close distance that he could only get one hand on the gun, so why not get good woth one hand rather then making it aboutonly a two hand grip, when you learn a one hand grip and draw it doesnt have to depend on left hand in a emergency because you already train with one hand grip getting you ready for close quarters combat having left hand to block and may be in use when the incident happens your in a defense emergency

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