The Last Match Was The Best A Smart Fireteam Made It Feel Epic (PS5)1080P 60fps Performance Mode

1 year ago

It’s been a minute since an upload. Working to provide for myself and those close to me.

Aside from that

I start out as Dutch “87 in a decent match nothing note worthy second match was only fireteam 3rd match starts about 18:00 minutes in and from there they were good matches. The last match was a good game of chess and I guess cuz i hadn’t played in a while plus the gummies felt iconic and surreal


Here I use Dutch 87” Dante City Hunter & Elder


First & foremost I enjoy this game it has grown a lot from its origin and I want it to continue to grow and that is why I play it. I think it will regardless be around for a while primarily because it’s a game that really requires other people to truly enjoy it and when the right people are in a match it’s mad good.

To the people at illfonic. I think I can vouch for myself of course & for anybody playing & enjoying this game I need & they need & we need an update on a few glitches with this game.

1. Randomly not being able to run with the predator
2. Not being able to eat a hog sometimes. Oink oink
3. 3D Audio Randomly going out.
4. Randomly not being able to use the first aid kits around camps.
5 I’ve see another gamer mention he randomly isn’t able to mount a tree not sure how true that is never had that problem.
6. Randomly Starting The Match As A Useless Dummy Roaming The Map With No Legs Or Arms

7. Is something I want to see personally the ability to cloak Nolan’s Mask That Simple. How simple is it to put it in the game I’m asking.

8.Viking predator randomly swinging axe and performing hard hit right after pressing jump button.

9. Playing as predator left trigger can randomly become obsolete and useless.

For All The Budget People

How to Play Any Game on (PS5) @60 fps (Performance Mode) While Keeping Resolution Mode Visuals.

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