Thrift Store Lovers | Go Check Out URBAN RENEWAL in St. George Ut

1 year ago

If you LOVE thrift stores as I do, you'll love exploring the treasures in this store. Urban ReNewal is located in historic downtown St. George, UT in an old building with creaky old wooden floors that give it an even more vintage experience. They expanded the store by knocking out doorways into two adjoining units. Has Been-ness is a gently used clothing and accessories store and next to that is AO, "Autobiography of Objects" a furniture/decor store filled with unique accessories.

This is a fun store where you could spend hours looking at everything and purchasing unique, vintage, one-of-a-kind treasures.

Address: 5 E St. George Blvd, St. George, UT

video: Norma Sachar, NSDesign

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