304 blames MEN for her bad decisions on @JustPearlyThings | My REACTION | TSR Live Podcast Ep.945

1 year ago

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Why are modern women so promiscuous? Because of MEN of course! If men didn't have the sex drive and biological markers to pursue sex and spread their seed, then women wouldn't be 304's right? On episode 945 of TSR Live with Donovan Sharpe, Donovan reacts to a Just Pearly Things video where this conversation goes, well, as expected.

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TSR Live is a "Red Pill" podcast for men by Donovan Sharpe who offers reaction videos with dating and relationship advice.

Societal and cultural factors can influence how women and men are perceived and judged for their actions. Women, in particular, may face additional scrutiny or judgment for certain behaviors, including those related to sexuality. However, it's important to recognize that individuals should not be judged or blamed for their actions based on their gender, and everyone deserves the opportunity to take responsibility for their own decisions and learn from their mistakes.
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