SoulCast - A Week for New Beginnings

1 year ago

A Week of New Beginnings

This is a special week of new beginnings and rebirth. This week is an opportunity to give yourself a new start. Go to you sacred space and seek within for your ideal scenario for your life, your dream, your passion and purpose.

The energies are aligning with your intentions as this natural New Year. Know that you are loved and supported by God and the Universe. Practice the spiritual Law of Attraction by asking for your heart’s desire to materialize into your physical experience.

Set new healthy and enforceable boundaries with yourself and others. It’s time to move forward with loving confidence to create balance and harmony in your life.

Crystals for New Beginnings and Goddess Energy: Rainbow Moonstone, Moss Agate, Green Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, and Amethyst.

Assignment: Look for Gods hand working in your life and write it down in a gratitude/evidence journal.

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• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Parler, Telegram and Truth Social
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a fabulous week,

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