Iraq 20y; Selling Banks; CA Olives; Lithium; Jones act | YBS: News Roundup March 17

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
01:13 20 years from Operation Iraqi Freedom
07:15 Selling Banks
15:27 CA Olives
22:05 Lithium
25:10 Jones act

Live Questions:
31:22 Any comment on the Balaji $1M bet on US hyper-inflation in the next 90 days? Seems like he has little understanding of how the banking system works.
32:50 In objectivist system, where does the government get money to run military & bureaucracy if the taxes are zero? Some objectivists say it's on donations and fees. What do you think? How do you solve free rider problem?
38:04 Why do people insist on an FDA, an EPA, etc. to protect us against evil corporations, but then they don't trust those bureaus anyway?
39:45 What will happen to all small banks in poor states
40:56 Is the fed creating FUD (fear uncertainty doubt)?
42:51 Is government deposit insurance one of the biggest sources of distortion in the banking system? How much do American regulations distort the global banking system?
44:51 From a friend: "Re: aging populations, I would enjoy hearing any thoughts on Yale prof. Yasuke Narita's suggestion the elderly in Japan commit mass suicide, per NYT 2/12/23, Motoko Rich & Hikari Hida.
46:07 How can Zimbabwe use lithium to boost economy?
47:02 Why is crypto not FDIC insured? Will it change?
47:34 Great show today Yaron!
47:37 Is Trump the only government official to lose wealth after office? Are there senators, house reps, or former presidents that lost money after office?
47:55 us military spending is 3.3% of gdp. do you think it should be cut down? what about losing world power status and shipping lanes and rivals like china
49:37 US federal spending on pensions is 7.5% of GDP, Medicare and Medicaid is about the same. Welfare is a far bigger source of waste than defense. Defense spending could be more efficient, but isn't the biggest problem
50:03 I was also thinking that many people don't trust anyone, because of cynicism, which is sad.
50:55 1 issue with Defense spending is that Constitution doesn't allow Congress to appropriate funding more than 2 years in advance. That makes it hard to do cost-effective long-term procurement contracts.

51:25 Outro

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