New Office/Warehouse Coming Soon!

1 year ago

So we've been in a tough spot for the last month in terms of space. Our last office was the upstairs at my grandpas property. Since he's passed my aunt who is in charge of everything has sold the place and I had to get my stuff out of there.. Wish she gave me an opportunity to buy the place, but I only mentioned it to her half a million times... It's all good.

Very excited to move into this new space. It's bigger, closer to home and has the ability to have my boats in in during the winter! And who knows, maybe in the summer when the boats are in the water we can store some new vehicles in there too!!

Ebbs and flows of life. I wish Vic was here to see how far we've come cause I know how far we still have to go. I have an unshakeable faith that he sees it all tho.

I hope everyone watching is working on their purpose. There's tons of content coming soon that will be fun! Stay tuned!


Be Blessed,

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