Goddess Revival Intro

2 years ago

Welcome to my channel Goddess Revival

It is with great pleasure to meet you, my name is Lena.

March 20, 2022

Happy Astrological New Year

New Moon in the house of Aries landing on the 0-1 degree of Aries

Follow along with me as I continue experiencing life through grand adventure.

Life after motherhood fully retired from the matrix.
Life that is calling to my soul to embark on traveling this world.
To experince life with increased meaning and less motion.
To experince life with less material wealth.
To listen to my stories along the way.

Sound like fun?!

Well for the last 46 years I have been living quite the adventure. And now that my chidlren are aduts and I retired from the 9 to 5 matrix for the last 2 years, and I am immersed in living my dreams, and I find myself pondering the world I am leaving behind to my children and my grandchildren.

My heart is pulsing daily with coursing conversation, wondering what humanity is evovling into?

While my energy for the last 20 years has been detained in child rearing, I open my eyes and see that the earthship is very off course.

And yet we, those, whom know, that the world is a stage and the devil is amoung us, and understand that we are animal mammals, highly sophisticated creative beings, with complex emotions having a spiritual experience, have been waiting for this time in conciuosness to come, we also are aware that a course correction is coming.

We humans are out of order with nature. Its a law that the pendulum is swinging back and it will find balance.

So what does balance look like in a technology driven, medicine is a religion and we are about to go online with AI?!

I find myself realizing the potential opportunity during this time to speak up about our human times, from my perspective. We have all the tools to stop suffering and could solve all our problems.

I desire to speak up about the discomforting differences I am experiencing, and how the world is moving forward. And how I am at odds with the set forth agendas of our elite social engineers.

I will try my very best to unpack my heart as it confronts the hot topics of our times.

My prayer is build community along the way. Folks that have the same visions as I do. Cause I feel alone sometimes in my thoughts and feelings. Maybe if I can share them here, I can unload the heavy weight in my heart.

I can empower myself to speak about the vision I see for a world that falls in love with itself, and empower others to see a world that knows love is the way, that gratitude is a state of being and forgiveness is our applied gift to every moment.

Here I go!

A little nerevous, tad bit scared and excited as fuck!

Lets do this.

Streaming stories one adventure at a time.

Much love Lena

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