The Moon meet up with Saturn in the pre-dawn sky tonight | Space news

1 year ago

The Moon meet up with Saturn in the pre-dawn sky tonight | Space news,
The thin sliver of the moon, which will be in its waning crescent phase, will pass south of Saturn by 3°35' according to In the Sky.(opens in new tab) Both the moon and the gas giant, which is the second-largest planet in the solar system will be in the constellation of Aquarius during the conjunction.

The moon will have a magnitude of -9.8, with the minus prefix indicating a particularly bright object in the sky, while Saturn will have a magnitude of 0.8. The best time to view the conjunction will be around 6:30 a.m. local time, and skywatchers will need an unobstructed horizon and a clear sky to make out the pair in the morning twilight. Just be careful to turn your optics away from the horizon before the sun rises!

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