Is Donald Trump Actually About To Be Arrested?-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-MARCH 20 2023

1 year ago

If you have been waiting for a 'lull in the action', this week is not going to be the week for you. In addition to the breathless anticipation the media is forcing us to have regarding the possible impending arrest and handcuffing of Donald Trump, there's a whole lot of other stuff going on as well. Not the least of which is Paris set on fire after the latest devilish machinations of Emmanuel Macron, Communist Chinese leader XI Jinping lands in Russia for meeting with 'war criminal' Putin, and in Israel, the 5th term of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not going very well at all.

"And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days." Genesis 49:1 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, there is much stuff happening, like a kid in candy store, it's hard to know where to look first. Is Donald Trump really about to be indicted and arrested? That's what he posted on Truth Social on Friday, and judging by the millions of dollars of free prime time advertising that one post generated, Trump has already accomplished what he set out to do. Whether or not he actually gets arrested on Tuesday is besides the point. Let the 2024 games begin! That's what it feels like, right? It feels like a game that we have all been immersed in and are being forced to play, whether we want to or not. Welcome to Day 1,099 of the 15 Days To Flatten The Curve that was, ironically enough, first implemented by Donald Trump. Kinda feels like we've come full circle doesn't it? We have

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