Tomb of the Giant Gilgamesh Discovered (A seventeen ft giant) with Ancient technology inside

1 year ago

Tomb of the Giant Gilgamesh Discovered (A seventeen ft giant) with Ancient technology inside
Welcome to this video where we will discuss the discovery of the tomb of Gilgamesh,
Gilgamesh was said to be a giant, standing over seventeen feet tall and possessing great strength and courage.
The tomb of Gilgamesh, one of the most legendary figures of ancient Mesopotamia, has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. The potential discovery of Gilgamesh's tomb has been a topic of speculation for many years, But now, after years of searching, a team of archaeologists claims to have discovered the tomb of the giant Gilgamesh. and there have been recent claims of its possible location in the city of Mosul, Iraq. In this video, we will explore the discovery of this tomb, its significance, and some fun facts about the legend of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh was a historical figure who lived around 2500 BCE in the city of Uruk, located in modern-day Iraq. He was the king of Uruk and is known for his legendary deeds, including his quest for eternal life, which is chronicled in the famous Epic of Gilgamesh.
The tomb was discovered by a team of archaeologists led by Professor Jorg Fassbinder, from the Bavarian department of Historical Monuments in Munich.

"I don't want to say definitely it was the grave of King Gilgamesh, but it looks very similar to that described in the epic," Jorg Fassbinder, of the Bavarian department of Historical Monuments in Munich, told the BBC World Service's Science in Action programme.

They began their search in 2003, using ground-penetrating radar technology to scan the area around the ancient city of Uruk. The team found a structure that they believe is the tomb of Gilgamesh, measuring around 130 feet by 130 feet, and located at the heart of the city.
The tomb is believed to be over 4,000 years old and was constructed with immense blocks of limestone, which suggest that only a civilization with a high level of technology could have built it. The tomb also contained a number of inscriptions that the team is still working to decipher, which may reveal more about the legendary king and his reign.
From the very beginning, one text, above all others, emerged as the finest representative of this literature: the Epic of Gilgamesh. This Babylonian poem, reconstructed from more than 200 fragments, tells the story of one man’s doomed quest for immortality. It struggles with the same existential preoccupations as we do.

The newly discovered fragment comes from an episode in which Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu invade the distant Cedar Forest to kill the ogre who guards it for the gods, and to plunder its timber. The text of the epic is quite stable – meaning that different manuscripts hold pretty much the same text – but some lines are beset by damage and others are missing altogether. The new piece fills a large gap in the poem at the beginning of the episode, when the two heroes approach the Cedar Forest and stand awestruck in its deepening shade. There is a lively description of the deafening noise that filled the forest canopy: the squawks of birds, buzz of insects and yells of monkeys form a cacophonous symphony to entertain the forest’s guardian.

The discovery of the tomb of Gilgamesh is significant not only because of its historical and archaeological value but also because of its cultural significance. Gilgamesh is a figure who has fascinated people for centuries, and his legend has had a profound impact on literature, art, and culture around the world. His quest for eternal life, for example, has been retold in numerous works of literature, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is considered to be the oldest epic poem in the world.

Fun facts:

The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the earliest known works of literature, and it tells the story of Gilgamesh's quest for eternal life.
Gilgamesh was said to be a giant, standing over seventeen feet tall and possessing great strength and courage.
The discovery of the tomb of Gilgamesh is reminiscent of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, which caused a sensation in the world of archaeology and captivated the public's imagination.

As we conclude this video, it is important to note that the discovery of the tomb of Gilgamesh remains a hypothetical scenario. However, if such a discovery were to be made, it would undoubtedly have a profound impact on our understanding of ancient Mesopotamian culture and history. The potential technology and artifacts that might be found inside the tomb could shed light on the practices and beliefs of the people of that time, and could provide new insights into the rich cultural heritage of the region. Thank you for watching, and be sure to subscribe to our channel for more fascinating discussions on history, archaeology, and technology.

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