California Reverend Says it is ‘Critical’ to Discuss Sexual Identity with Children at a Young Age

1 year ago

Reverend Casey Martinez-Tinnin, Loomis Basin UCC, The Landing Spot: “When they [parents] know that their queer kid is coming to me for support, they’re going to be upset.”

Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “In my mind, how communities thrive is through intergenerational relationships.”

Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “Parents don’t want me talking – encouraging this lifestyle, right? Like, that’s the thing.”

Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “So, if we can start helping parents talk about, ‘How do you talk to your kids about puberty? Have you considered blockers?’”

Reverend Martinez-Tinnin: “I call CPS [Child Protective Services]” when parents misgender their kids.

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