Three Historic Events Predicted This Week

2 years ago

Three Historic Events that may happen this week: 1 - XI in Moscow. 2- the world wide collapse of the banking system 3- the arrest of Donald J Trump. There will be something happening this week that will change the world as we know it for generations.
We are in the final stages of the GA legislation. The video will answer the questions about GA. This video will show just how low a republican in GA will go.
There have been calls for protests. The protest does not need to turn violent.
America, You are being set up. This is a time for republicans to ban together. The charge against Trump is a misdemeanor. All republicans should ban together to call out the injustice against Trump.
Elizabeth Warren was on the Sunday shows talking about centralizing the banks. Feds and other central banks overnight band to keep money flowing using liquidity swap lines. Swap lines allow other central banks to borrow dollars from the FEd in exchange for their own local currencies. The foreign central banks can then supply dollars locally to ease any strains. The change will continue at least through the end of April, the Fed said. Central banks announce coordinated efforts to boost US dollar liquidity.
It is not just a bank in silicon valley, it is not just Credit Suisse. It is world wide. They used Covid to crash this world economy. They used covid to crash the system across the world. The liquidity Swap Line is to be used daily now to boost the confidence in the banking system. There is a major problem world wide. There is not a senator, any members of the house of representatives, no president with any outrage. They have no power in this. The Federal reserve is independent, nothing has to go before the lawmakers.

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