LIVE - Calvary of Tampa PM Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez | The Record of God | 1 John Ecplained

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Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE PM Service Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez


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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)

let's take a look at our Bibles first John chapter five we're going to start actually not first John chapter five
look in Deuteronomy 19. we'll get to first John in a moment but we need to talk about some things that
are in the Old Testament law and how God has made himself known through
some of the things that he's set up in in his law we are we have not talked
through first John for a while I was I was out um the weekend that I was in Israel and
then when I came back I got sick we didn't talk about first John then Bob spoke the week before I left and then we
had the Israel recap so it's been about a month since we've gotten into first John but just as a reminder we're we're
getting into the record of God really the culmination key verse of First John
which is in chapter 5 and verse 13. these things have written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God
that you may know that you have eternal life I first heard that verse here at Calvary I heard it I was sitting right
over here in this area it was on a Wednesday night we had come in early from Awana or maybe a one or wasn't
meeting or it was off season I don't remember but I was sitting over there and I heard Dr Lindstrom say that verse
and what stood out to me is that word you can know know that was
sometimes I don't know if you guys ever experienced this when you first read your Bible you just wish that some things were a little clear there are
things you're reading and you're going what was just said I don't get it a lot of the times that was me in the Old Testament I would be trying to follow
the the pronouns of of like who is he here who is that referring to and all
these different things and I had a dictionary a lot and had to kind of find what things were but when I heard first
John 5 13 I heard something very clear number one is something that I can know
it and and that was not written in a way that meant it's something you'll know in the future or something you may have
known but I've forgotten that verse is like a lock clicking shut
it's it's secure it's the definition of security you can know that you have
eternal life these things have I written unto you that you may know that that is very clear the purpose of this writing
is for you to know what that you have eternal life
outside of Christianity there is no other world religion that gives you that
kind of security none zero but first John 5 13 is the culmination
of some things that are written before it and we talked about how God is born
witness of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit through the water through the blood and we talked about that we'll
Refresh on that because it's repeated again in the verses that we look at but I want to look at the law of witnesses
because I think that it's important to see that in the mouth of two or three Witnesses is the truth established you
know the Bible works from a knowledge of you are innocent until you're proven guilty and if somebody brings a charge
against you like we're going to see in Deuteronomy 19 if someone brings a charge of against you you're going to
have your day I'll put it in parentheses in court because the Bible doesn't say in court but you'll have your day where
you stand before your leaders and what you have done has to be you have to be
condemned as guilty in the mouth of two or three more witnesses and there's a heavy penalty for false witness and
you'll see that here in a moment but what's actually being discussed here is if you have a Scofield bible he does a
good job with some of the paragraph headings and really any Study Bible you'll most likely have a paragraph heading but there in verse 14
of Deuteronomy 19 it talks about the sacred landmark and in the ancient world
they would use large Stones stacked on top of one another to Mark the corners of their property okay it wasn't like
you could go to the local library back in ancient Jerusalem and look up
somebody's property records and find out the boundaries you had to pay attention were you on somebody's property you're
looking for these giant Stone things that are up and they're kind of marking your boundaries and if someone has gone
over a boundary and they've settled in someone else's land well now there becomes a problem there's a conflict and
the law of witnesses comes up right after that discussion now I don't think that this is only talking about a
dispute on property rights but this is a dispute someone is condemning another person bringing a charge against
somebody in any nature this is how this is resolved so let's take a look here in
chapter 15. or excuse me in Chapter 19 Verse 15. one witness shall not rise up
against a man for any iniquity or for any sin in any sin that he sinneth at
the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three Witnesses shall the matter be established now this is this
is interesting to see here not the truth but the claim okay so it's it's not
going to be you know for example let's say I have an issue with Dave okay Dave and I are disputing I cannot bring Dave
before the court and simply accuse him and my accusation becomes the truth it
doesn't work that way we're living in a world today we're on a social level that's enough to condemn a person
it's very very concerning that a group of people or
maybe one person can single you out because you believe different uh differently than they do and they can
actually bring a charge against you to where you lose your job you lose your ability to provide you lose your ability
to get a type of job like that in the future all because one person said something about you that wasn't even
verified as true boy aren't you glad that God doesn't work that way that that when When God
says you're condemned he has evidence against you and it's not just God it's God the father Jesus the uh the son the
word of God and the Holy Spirit these these three things in one the Trinity which is the concept we're going to be
talking about here by establishing this mouth of two or three Witnesses and this is amazing to see this set up in
scripture because our entire United States government system is based off of this
I I always kind of laugh do a little when I hear people say that this this this nation was not built on Christian
principles it absolutely was this was not the rulership that was happening
when the United States formed they were looking to form something similar to this you speak out against certain
groups today in Muslim countries you'll disappear China you'll disappear
you don't get your day in court you're already determined guilty and if you study uh red communism in a
red China red some of the stuff that went on in these re-education camps people that disagreed
people that held on to Freedom we would uh I don't think we'd be able to stomach it and to see that these this
is this is man system and how man gets it done and this is how God is establishing it is very important but
there's two things I want you to notice here number one the mouth of two or three Witnesses the matter is going to
be established the issue comes up so now if Dave has a problem with me he's got to come with two other people who were
able to verify what was done the four of us go bring it before the court and the
matter is established it'll now be heard you'll be able to be heard verse 16. if a false witness rise up
against any man to testify against him that which is wrong then both the men between whom the controversy is shall
stand before the Lord before the priests and the judges which shall be in those days now I want you to see something
here God at this time and I believe currently excuse me at the time of this
writing in Deuteronomy 19 and I also believe right now there is power in the
justice system there is power in the government this is what God has set up to rule over us I had a question come
into Bible line when we were First recording and it was one of those heavy-hitting questions somebody said
when do we disobey our government and the idea behind the question for a
lot of people is not necessarily when do I disobey my government they think when do I Rebel and start attacking my
government because they're taking my rights and the answer to that question is you
will have the authority from God to disobey your government when your government asks you to disobey God but
you and God expects you to be prepared for the consequences of the country in
which you live we're not supposed to just flee the consequences of what that may be that
government has been established by God according to what the nation deserves and whatever they carry out they will
have to answer for themselves I might the greatest example I can give you is the Deacon Stephen
who gave the truth in spite of all those who rejected him
folks you read the passage there they were like children they stopped their ears they
this this gnashing and just screaming like what kids do they did not want to hear it and they
rushed to violence and they killed him I think Stephen did what he was supposed
to do the question is going to be are you going to submit to God are you going to
submit to your government God expects you to obey him he expects the government to follow after his order but
when the government doesn't do that those individuals are going to be held accountable for their own choice
but the power of the justice system look what it says there it says if a false
witness rise or verse 17 then both the men between whom the controversy is shall stand before the Lord
now it doesn't mean that God came down at every proceeding and presided there like like as if it
was the holy of holies but it means that God has put in this system
his power and he tells you where those Powers lie before the priests and the judges which
shall be in those days this is why the priesthood the tribe of Levi was so
protected this is how God carried out Justice through this system
can you imagine um the tribes of Levi defiling themselves with prostitutes
defiling themselves with improper sacrifices folks this was happening and it enraged God and he disciplined his
people as a result of it but the system is established by God here he verifies
it by placing those over proper Authority and he gives power in verse 18 and the judges shall make diligent
Inquisition this is your defense the person of which is levying the claim
makes their defense and the person who's being uh accused they have to make their defense
behold if the witness be a false witness and have testified falsely against his
brother by the way notice the the kinship here it's not necessarily his countrymen his
brother it's a closer Bond then shall you do unto him as he had
thought to have done unto his brother if the false witness
accused a man and sentenced him to death and he be found to be a false witness
you know what the punishment will be upon him and the ones who established the matter
death this is what I think I think exactly this verse in verse 19 I think
Deuteronomy 19 19 is what Jesus wrote In The Sand when those men falsely brought
that woman in John chapter 8. and the older ones they understood it
they were like well we better just uh we we know if this matter be found and
we're we're false it says right there in John 8 that they sought to deceive Jesus they sought to trick him by bringing him
into some situation then the younger ones that were around them they automatically got they wised
up and and left as well but it says there in verse 19 then shall you do unto him as he had thought to
have done unto his brother so shalt thou put the evil away from among you what's
the purpose of all this to get out the lies that's what it that's what the evil
is right you want to bear false witness you want to bring somebody into a position where they are accused falsely
you lie about them you slander I don't know how many of you guys I don't want to get political but have you seen some
of these discussions um they're on C-Span and it's like you know Ted Cruz and other people are
asking they're asking yes or no questions it's infuriating to see the answers
did you it's like a question it's like I've already asked Trent did you have lunch today and Trent's like well you know I enjoy
lunch just as well as the next man and I like to eat here and did you have lunch
I enjoy lunch just as much as the next man it's they listen they think
because they don't actually say the truth that the truth won't be found out
they condemn themselves but this is how the system works that's how you and I the people of which these are supposed
to represent we can look at that and say where is any kind of Honor in our
justice system it's a joke most of it some most of it
it's a joke now I'm not saying you go out there and just totally Rebel but no this is how it's supposed to be set up
but people lie all the time false charges have been brought up against people all the time
what is supposed to be the consequences if you lie about somebody under oath if you bring a false charge whatever you
were asking to be done to them will be done to you you know if we actually held to that
standard how many people would start being truthful but instead we look at the guy telling
us where you know telling us no without saying no and we let him go
he just Contin what's the incentive for him to stop nothing he's gonna go meet the lobbyists and
find out the next bank that's going to close in two weeks sell all his stock and and come out on top
and we wonder what's going on this is why we got to put our trust in God and no folks there is coming a day
where every knee will bow and every tongue will confess and I pray for the sake of those men and women for for
their souls that they get right and put their faith in Christ before they skip
the Judgment seat of Christ because they won't be able to stand there and they'll stand at the great white Throne judgment
that's a day that I believe will be so severe we'll have to have all things removed from our memory that's actually
the next thing that happens in the order of events in Revelation there the judge of the great white Throne judgment
happens and then we slip into a new Heaven and a new Earth the Bible says the smoke of their torment ascendeth
forever we have Fellowship in communion with God and with one another I don't know people have said what's the
worst thing about hell is it the Flames is it you know you have a body where the worm dieth not I think the worst thing
about hell is that you are eternally separated from the only person who could have ever stopped you from going there
he gave you every opportunity people are going to be held accountable to the
light that they have received and they are there because they rejected the free gift
and there there'll be no second chance for them man uh that's that's something I would
not want anyone to experience I'm so glad to know the the people in my family
who have gone before they're they're not in hell I rejoice in that fact
but I also see the severity of how God treats sin what's the purpose here that the evil would be put away from among
you so having understood this concept the law of two or three is the uh is how the
matter will be established the claim for Jesus being God has been established in the mouth of two or three Witnesses in
Christ himself and God the father and in the Holy Spirit and that's why I believe there's a trinity
that's why I think it's the strongest evidence the law of the witnesses and God holding himself to that law of which
he has established now let's look in first John and take a look in depth at some of these things
this is a two-part where you were the the title you see up here on the screen the record of God we're doing part one
tonight and then we're doing part two next week unless we get to heaven
you know and then you'll already know everything you you know there won't even be a need for a spoiler alert we'll have figured it all out
so we're in first John looking at chapter five in verse 7. he gives an illustration of
the three that are in heaven and then the three that are here on the earth for there are three that bear record in
heaven the Father the word and the Holy Ghost and you know what the word is
we know from John 1 1 that's Jesus Christ the word was made flesh dwelt
Among Us John 1 14 very important to see but then he says there's three on Earth and this
is significant because the manifestation of the three Witnesses
here on Earth is how you and I come to faith in Christ and I'm gonna I'm gonna make that claim
for you here and show it to you with the scripture the first one here is verse 8.
and there are three that bear witness in the Earth the spirit the water and the
blood the Holy Spirit which is through the prophets and I want you to see that here
hold your spot in first John go to II Peter
second Peter chapter 2 in verses 16 through 21 second Peter chapter 2 verses
16 through 21. oh man no I'm sorry second Peter chapter one
verses 16 through 21. here's what it says
for we have not cunningly devised Fables
when we made known unto you the power and the coming of Our Lord
Jesus Christ but were eyewitnesses of his majesty stop for a moment
they they are what they're telling you is we are not here
in a cunningly devised lie that's what that word fable is I mean
all that why is this important because if we're going to make the claim
that Jesus is God we got to back it up folks and and here's the beauty of it God has
not just simply said Jesus Is God he has verified that claim look what it says
for we received from God the Father honor and Glory when there came such a
voice to him from the excellent Glory this is my beloved Son and whom I am well pleased and this voice which came
from heaven we heard when we were with him in the Holy Mount now for my Bible college students out there for those of
you who know what this is what event is Peter referring to in these two verses
he's referring to the event that happened on Mount Tabor which you can go
and see I I meant to put it in here and I just forgot but I took a picture of it it's
got a nice big Catholic Church on the top just so you know and they're making money hand over fist every day
right there on that Mount Tabor occurred the Transfiguration
where the certain that we're there saw Jesus in his new body in his glorified
body but don't take my word for it I want you to see it now you're holding your spot in two places first John five now you're
holding it in second Peter and you're going over to Matthew 17. I know
I know I think it's funny sometimes when I was growing up there would be
attacks on the on the church about how all they do is the gospel and then
there's nights like this where you've got your you know you've got all five fingers holding spots in your Bible
and we're talking about the word Matthew 17. in chapter Matthew chapter 17 in
verse one through five we have that event recorded okay now Peter is the author of
second Peter and he was here for this event Matthew 17 verses one through five
and after six days Jesus taketh Peter James and John those are the ones who were present
his brother and bringeth them up unto an high mountain apart
and was transfigured before them and his face did shine as the sun and his raiment as white as the light and behold
there appeared unto them Moses and Elias take a talking with him then answered
Peter and said unto Jesus Lord it is good for us to be here if thou Wilt let us make here three Tabernacles
one for thee one for Moses and one for Elias while he had spake Behold a bright
Cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice
out of the cloud which said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him
God appeared or um God brought them up to this mountain they saw Jesus in his
in his glorified form Moses and Elijah are there talking
Peter he's just excited to be there that's his that's his character I I love how he even says it is good for
us to be here I mean that's a modern language of I'm So it's this isn't this great
love Peter love Peter but he started to think about let's
build you know an altar essentially to all these three and the other two are removed because Jesus is the focus this
is important because Peter would later use this this Revelation from God to make the plea to those who have already
put their faith in Christ this has been established how many were there on the mount you
have God you have Jesus and you have Peter James and John
the it's been established the matter has been established in the mouth of two or three Witnesses
now you can let Matthew go and you go back to Second Peter still holding on to
First John and he says right here and his and this Voice verse 18 which came
from heaven we heard when we were with him in the Holy Mountain you saw where that was now he moves off that because what he's
showing you there is he's showing you his own eyewitness account and he knows for some people that's not
going to be enough the holy spirit is working through Peter to establish it here and that's why he moves to verse 19. I was not on Mount Tabor even if I
could go I didn't see Jesus in his glorified body I don't have to see him in order to
believe on him because the scripture proves him look at the next verse here verse 19. we have also a more sure word of
Prophecy what's the indication here the word get this is more sure than what they saw
isn't it so interesting I'm getting a little excited here but
isn't it so interesting that we can literally see something today and it is
not reality it blows my mind and then you have
verses like this that exist what's better the things that you see or what
you read from God this is better people can put on goggles today and be
transported to a golf course in space they can be in the middle of a stadium
and be in the position of a quarterback and it's got all the sound and they can look everywhere around them with these
goggles and this virtual reality thing it's amazing I remember when uh I first went to IMAX at the Museum of Science
and Industry how many of y'all went there before I don't even think that IMAX theater is open anymore but it had
a huge Dome that's how you could tell you were at Mosey and I remember being in there and that you'd watch some like
skydiving video or something and everywhere you would look you were like skydiving just with them and the kid
next to me I'll never forget he's barfed right on the floor it was disgusting I was like oh ruined the whole thing but
you were immersed and you're not skydiving you're in a movie theater off of Fowler
Avenue but you feel like you're somewhere somewhere else there's a more sure word of Prophecy and
this is what it was look at what it says where unto you do well that you take heed
notice this yield to it submit to it as unto a light that shineth in a dark
place until the day Dawn and the day star arise in your hearts boy he's just
getting real descriptive what is he talking about here verse 20 knowing this first that no prophecy
of the scripture is of any private interpretation this is not Dave coming
to me and saying Jesse's accused of X Y and Z where are your Witnesses Dave I
don't have any just trust me okay Dave let's let's kill Jesse now
can't do that he's got to establish it and this is exactly what this is saying the scripture is not of a singular
private interpretation it's verified boy isn't that exciting that we're
standing here knowing we're going to heaven because the word of God is true this is a special book
and not because it has these and thou's in it knowing this verse that no private Prophecy of the scripture is of any
private interpretation for the prophecy came not in Old Time by the will of man
but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost verse 21 is what
you call an enclosure of the lid that was established in verse 16. look at
verse 16. for we have not followed cunningly devised Fables and he says at the end of
verse 21 or the beginning of first verse 21 for the prophecy came not in Old Time
by the will of man what drives a cunningly devised fable
the will of man what is this whole pericope saying it's
saying this is all verified by God not established by the will of man
this book is not what many many modern day psychologists claim to be a book of
stories I've mentioned this man before Jordan Peterson just a couple of Wednesday nights ago he
was down here off of Waters and Sheldon he was doing an event at Amalie Arena
and our webmaster David Bauer he messaged me and said Jordan Peterson
is right on the corner of Sheldon and Waters and I thought he's got to be at that Dunkin Donuts over there
he's got to be there's no other reason why he would be there the way that we knew this is when he tweeted something
that at that moment it tweeted his location which is crazy
but David sent him a message and said come to 4811 George Road and find the
truth of the scripture There's real people there come see Bob Gilbert he didn't know if I was in town yet so he
mentioned Trent he talked about Bob but Jordan Peterson right now has partnered with one of the largest
conservative news sources in the daily wire and he's doing a chapter by chapter
analysis of the Old Testament and he starts from a premise that says this is
all allegory there was no Adam and Eve there was no flood there is no man named
Noah all these are pictures all these are images and this set of verses we just looked at
here tells you there's somebody's telling a lie either Jordan Peterson is lying or God
is lying and you have to choose which one you're going to believe
God has verified himself this is this was not written by some dudes in a cave
trying to control a population that's not true God established this and
there's a purpose for it and I want you to see this I made some notes Here Peter gave his personal
account of Jesus witness uh Jesus's witness on Mount Tabor commonly known as the Mount of transfiguration he then
said there was a more sure word of Prophecy which was established by all the prophets which can only be the Old
Testament scriptures which proved the witness of Jesus as God now at the time when Peter was writing
this the Old Testament was that you want to know the word of God you go search the scriptures and we have now the
completed record in the New Testament as well the Old Testament is a record of God's
Eternal plan to provide himself a sacrifice for the world I think the strongest of that is seen as Isaiah is
in Isaiah 53. I know people in my life that uh uh Jay Kaminsky love
Jay came to faith in Christ because of Isaiah 53. born a Jewish man born into Jewish
customs put his faith in Christ as a result of that beautiful chapter
that's not the only place think about Genesis 22 I was actually on the mount uh on the Temple Mount when Pastor
Scudder was talking about Jesus and the significance of that spot that we were
standing on and I so admire Pastor Scudder for not backing off some people would not use
the name of Jesus on the Temple Mount because it offends people everyone's going to say his name
eventually so I'll say it his name is Jesus Christ he's coming back but I love that Pastor Scudder was
saying that getting back to the point he began to talk about Genesis 22.
and when you look at that Shrine it's it's not a mosque it's a shrine the Dome
of the Rock which was a gift to Muhammad from his brother Omar
inside that Shrine is the top of Mount Moriah that's what that Temple Mount is
built on top of where Abraham sacrificed Isaac and God intervened
what is beautiful about that account Pastor Scudder brought this out and I I probably heard it before but I was reminded of it very strongly in that
moment was that the ram that was provided was caught in a
Thicket a Thicket is a group of thorns what an absolute beautiful foreshadowing
of Jesus who went to that cross outside of that City in Jerusalem at street level and was
crucified with the crown of thorns Genesis chapter 3 God establishing the
need for the shedding of blood for a proper atonement in Genesis 6 7 8 and 9 the account of
the flood and anyone could come into the ark but as soon as the ark was shut you're it's over you're not in you're
out you're dying you will die as a picture of the Seal of eternal life
all throughout the establishment of Israel as a nation there are images in Saul's life in
David's life in Solomon's life throughout all of the Old Testament painting what common picture God
provided himself a lamb and in John chapter 1 when John sees
Jesus coming he says Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world that's what everything is
climaxing to that's the fireworks spiraling into the sky and it's dark for a moment and all of a sudden boom that's
what it's all about Jesus Christ the cross
on Calvary the blood that was shed we have a sure word of Prophecy folks
you're not here because you happen to listen to one thing on one day and make a random decision
God wants you to believe he brought you under the sounds of the truth and you chose to believe
he wants you to know what you believe is true we're standing on the solid rock of
Jesus Christ that's my message next week we need an anchor that's our Sunday morning discussion
just a beautiful beautiful picture we see in the book of Hebrews using that phrase
but the claim here in first John is not some crazy religious sect just making a
claim it's verifiable so we've talked about the Holy Spirit through the prophets let's wrap up here
how about the water what is the water some people think the water and blood was a picture of what was what was
poured out of Jesus side at Calvary I I don't think so although that may be an application I
think the interpretation here is the water at his baptism look in John chapter 1
Paul I didn't plan to go here but if you can just put that on there keep holding on to First John and go over to the
Gospel of John chapter one verses 32 through 34.
John gives the eyewitness account of Jesus baptism this is very important to see
and John bear record saying I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a
dove in an abode upon him and it and I knew him not but he sent me to baptize
with water and the same said unto me upon whom Thou shalt see the spirit descending and remaining on him the same
as he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost and I saw and note this please
bear the record what's being established here in the
mouth of two or three Witnesses Jesus is God this is not the moment that he became
God the spirit descending was not the Christ spirit this is confirmation you know what this
was this is the receipt that you get proof purchase
and when John says here and I saw him bear the record when he follows up in first John it's all talking all about
record and you're going to see that here in a moment but I do need to move a little quickly we're slightly behind uh
go to John 19 John chapter 19 verses 35-37
isn't it great to be studying the word of God there's no place I'd rather be honestly
there's no place I'd rather be I love just going through verse by verse looking at at uh passages seeing how
they fit like puzzle pieces talking about the blood now the blood of
Calvary John 19 35 as a part of that witness here on the Earth
starting in verse 35 John 19 and he that saw it this is John referring to himself
bear record and his record is true and he knoweth that he uh he saith true that
ye might believe what's the purpose of that record being true that you might believe that Jesus is a Christ for these
things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken and again another
scripture sayeth they shall look on him whom they have pierced we know that blood was already shed but John is
specifically giving the Fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy but I want you to look in Colossians 1 which speaks more
strongly about this Blood specifically the quote blood of his cross
foreign there's a really beautiful hem it's a
modern day hymn but um there's a line that just says Oh The Blood it is my victory
and it absolutely is is true first excuse me Colossians chapter one
look at verse 20. and having made peace through the blood of his cross
it's not a bloodless event blood must be shed for the remission of sins God required
it in the Old Testament year after year and he verified it on the blood of
Calvary by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him I say whether they be things in
Earth or things in heaven and you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by Wicked Works yet now hath
he reconciled he has removed that which was in the way how verse 20 the peace that was made
through the blood of his cross so now go back to First John chapter 5
and you see here how verse 8 is now verified not only did the Trinity make
claim of who Jesus is the earth bore witness
through the prophets of men through the water of Jesus baptism and through the
blood that was shed on Calvary verse 9 is where we'll kind of park the
car but he says here if we receive the witness of men
the witness of God is one it's greater why is that for the witness for this is
the witness of God which he hath testified of his son
I'm going to give you four quick closing points as to why the witness of God is greater number one
this is real good news God cannot lie he cannot lie look in Titus Chapter one
just a little bit over to your left there Titus Chapter 1 in verse 2. now this is
in the middle of a greeting but he says in Hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised
before the world began God is not going to give you one thing
that is eternal and then take it away it would be against this nature number two
the Prophecies of Jesus were fulfilled make this as a note for cross-reference
because we've already looked at it tonight but First Peter 1 19-21
oh we didn't look at that actually we we can looking uh first Peter chapter 1 verses 19 through 21.
the Prophecies of Jesus were fulfilled this is why the witness of God is greater than the witness of man and
we'll talk about the witness of man in a moment uh First Peter chapter 1 verse 19 but
with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish in spot who
verily was foreordained he was pre-positioned before the foundation of the world but
was manifesting these last times for you who by him do believe in God this is the
result his foreordination to be the lamb that would take away the sins of the
world the this is before you were even born God knew that his son would die for
you who do believe in God this is why we believe in him that raised a hymn up
from the dead this is why we believe because he's come back from the dead and gave him glory
that your Faith and Hope might be in who folks God not your beloved Pastor not
your Sunday school teacher not your your your parents anybody even the person who
led you to Christ your faith is not in them your faith is in God that's why
it's verified also isn't it a beautiful thing that there did not have to be any coaxing for Jesus to love you
he didn't have to be convinced before the foundation of the world he's
going to die for you that's one of the things I really don't like about Calvinism The Limited
atonement Jesus said that I'm going to be lifted
up all men will have the chance come and drink freely except you and you
and you I didn't die for you that's a heresy that's not the god I believe in that's not the god of the Bible
God looked at me while I was a sinner and he said I'm going to pay for that man's sin
no better deal no better God
looked at me when I was a child you know look looked at my father my mother
the one you know the the entire world we don't we don't get that kind of love folks we really don't
but it's overwhelming when you dwell on it is it not are we not just thankful can we just not
thank the Lord in this moment for what we have
reminds me of that hem is in he wonderful you know the rest you want to sing it with me
wonderful isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful eyes have seen ears have heard it's
recorded in God's word isn't Jesus my Lord
wonderful I think he is I know he is the Bible says so
not only do we have the prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus we know that Jesus has come back from the dead and we
also know the Holy Spirit came down and indwells man there's your Trinity right there
so even as man is a is a three-part being and not saying there's three separate deities but these three are one
they have born record they have verified the record therefore we can believe that what Jesus Christ did on the cross was
done and verified and is able to save unto eternal life
thank you there's nothing greater go back to First John as we conclude here
we'll read our whole passage together verse 7 for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the word and
the Holy Ghost and these three are one and there are three that bear uh bear witness in Earth
um the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree in one if we receive the witness of men the witness
of God is greater we it's like we we believe men that lie to us
We Believe men that tell the truth to us and and we sometimes out of such kindness and love for somebody else we
will set the standard for proof so low but then when we when we're looking at
God it's like he's got to move Heaven and Earth to prove it to me
does that not Define the stubbornness of man I think everybody just got it because I
think everybody's uh just got that we all understand how stiff-necked we really are
people will go to the Grave not believing I don't get that
I don't get that it's going to happen though if we receive the witness of men the witness of God is greater for this
is the witness of God which he hath testified of his son and next week we'll continue into verse 13.
I I'm I'm encouraged by that study it's something I'm I was really looking forward to because I think that some of
the strongest emphasis in the scripture what we just did tonight is we looked at interpretation okay I tried to look at
the interpretation and give you what I believe to be the single interpretation for that passage the application of that
passage is you can believe God you can believe God when you go through
trials and difficulties you don't have to abandon him at the
moment there's pressure I've heard this quote in sports it's like pressure burst pipes but it makes
diamonds that's that's a good illustration for sports but you don't have to be under
that kind of pressure when you're trusting the Lord because there's he's not under any pressure
God's not sweating it out he's not rolling the dice to see what's going to happen
he already knows he already has you up there you're already there you're moved in
we're already translated into the kingdom of this dear son you can see now how we
earned the title A Child we just don't know
we just we're kind of just trusting dad you know and sometimes we absolutely
lose it because we don't get it but you learn to trust your dad he's
trustworthy and God loves you he's not going to allow something to happen to you that
will be bad for you might it might hurt it might be difficult you will suffer in
this life but it's not at the hands of an evil God
he walks with you I've told you this before but I remember the very moment that I realized through
reading the scripture that God is not far away from me he's with me here changed my life changed my life changed
how I pray changed how I the things I would listen to the places I go the
things I see to know that God is here with me uh what an honor and privilege
I gladly take the title of Ambassador as the scripture says
you get a moment to talk with somebody who's talking with Kaylee she was able to witness to a couple people this week
what a wonderful opportunity we have in these bodies even though they fail us there's a
gentleman that's been coming his name is Tommy I don't know if you guys have seen him but he's in a wheelchair he he was
not born that way he had an accident I mean there was a point where he was walking just like you and me he's now
Bound in a wheelchair that man uses his the life he has now to bring praise honor and glory to the Lord
the world may look at him and establish whatever value they they may establish but I see a child of God right there I
told him on Wednesday night I said you keep doing what you're doing reaching people more and more God will
reward you for it just keep telling people about Christ just keep pointing them to the savior
our lives have purpose our lives have value we're not just following a little cult here at Calvary Community Church
you know that's not what's going on following the Lord and know one day that all those who Mock
and all those who doubt and blaspheme the name of the Lord
there is a day coming for them in which they will be judged but we should love them enough
to at least have them push us out of the way to at least have them reject the message
of the Gospel given to them in love we shouldn't stand on the sideline with the arms folded and say
have it your way aren't you glad somebody chose to stand in your way have a
conversation with you [Music] I'm so glad my uncle took time to
explain to me the clear gospel he'll never know how much that means to me
but we'll be in heaven together and I praise the Lord for it if this hand represents you and me the
wallet represents sin this hand represents Jesus Christ the way to get to heaven for God so loved the world
that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believeth in him should
not perish but have eternal but have everlasting life salvation is a free gift receive the moment that you believe
on Jesus Christ the son of God who took away your sins on the cross of Calvary
was buried and rose again that is how you know you're going to heaven you've put your faith in Jesus
Christ you've heard it through a pastor you've heard it through a Bible Lesson whatever it may be you've heard it from
the word but you believe on him unto eternal life let's go to the Lord in prayer
heads are bowed knives are closed if you're here tonight that makes sense to you I want to encourage you to put your
faith in Jesus Christ right now don't delay same thing for those of you who are tuning in Live on YouTube Sermon
Audio Facebook our website what a blessing it is to be on those channels
you may say Pastor it's too late for me I don't know let me tell you if you're still alive and you're still breathing it's not too late you can put your faith
in Christ but don't wait we don't know how long we have heads about knives are still closed I I
pray this wets your appetite I said a moment ago this is where we're going to park the car it's okay you can still
keep the engine running go home and study take these notes
study them further if you have questions ask them I love to talk about these things but know that the word of God is
true it's a wonderful verified book not by the status of man but God has
given it to us father thank you so much for your word thank you for your son Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit bring us back here safely as we continue to study and worship we bless those
children in the back they are the future we pray protection over them Lord and strength for them to take a stand in
Jesus name we pray these things amen

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