Discover how the ancient Egyptians created a revolutionary number system

1 year ago

Did you know that the ancient Egyptians were responsible for developing one of the world's first number systems? This system was based on ten, and the symbols used were different combinations of strokes. However, unlike our modern number system, Egyptian symbols did not have a place value, meaning that a symbol's value depended on its position in the sequence. The Egyptians also developed techniques for doing arithmetic calculations using fractions. They used unit fractions, which were fractions with the numerator equal to one, to create larger fractions by adding the unit fractions together. They also had special symbols to represent fractions and were able to solve complex problems like dividing a quantity into equal parts. These mathematical developments allowed the ancient Egyptians to solve math problems, measure the land, build pyramids, and much more. They pioneered many areas of mathematics that continue to influence how we think about mathematics today. Do you know how Egyptian number symbols compare to the number system we use today? Leave it in the comments.

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