EGYPT: Enigmas of Mathematics

1 year ago

The ancient Egyptians developed a unique numerical system using hieroglyphs, symbols that represented words and ideas. Each hieroglyph had a numerical value and this system allowed the Egyptians to perform complex calculations, from simple addition and subtraction to more advanced mathematical operations such as multiplication and division.
For example, the hieroglyph for the number 1 was represented by a vertical line |, which made counting objects and performing simple mathematical calculations easier. The number 10, on the other hand, was represented by a symbol of a pillar, which was composed of a set of ten vertical lines.
This numbering system was so efficient that it was used for centuries in Ancient Egypt, and is still studied and admired today for its complexity and effectiveness. It is fascinating to think that even without modern technology, the Egyptians were able to perform such complex calculations using only simple and ingenious symbols.

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