2023-03-20 On March 13, 2023, permanent representatives of Russia and Syria to the OPCW

1 year ago

On March 13, 2023, permanent representatives of Russia and Syria to the OPCW held a joint briefing at the Russian Embassy in the Netherlands on the publication of a falsified report by the so-called Investigation and Identification Team on the use of toxic chlorine gas in Douma, Syria, on April 7, 2018, which the collective West countries forced the Organisation to establish in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

🇷🇺🇸🇾 The Russian and Syrian representatives provided detailed assessments of that politically charged document, which was compiled in an openly anti-Syria and anti-Russia spirit. They cited clear proof exposing the essence of that staged provocation carried out by the pseudo-humanitarian White Helmets NGO.

☝️ That provocation was used as a pretext for the United States, Britain and France to deliver a missile and bomb strike at civilian and military infrastructure facilities in Syria in violation of the UN Charter and the universally accepted norms of international law.

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