Growing Vinca Minor (Periwinkle) and Its Benefits in the Garden (including natural erosion control!)

1 year ago

Vinca Minor, aka periwinkle, is an herbaceous perennial plant that grows in USDA planting zones 4 through 9. Its leaves are dark green and glossy, with thin stems. It produces beautiful blue, violet, or purple flowers in the spring and early summer.

It is an excellent choice for a ground cover due to its quick reproductive and spreading abilities. Planting Vinca Minor offers benefits like erosion control, weed suppression, and the ability to thrive in the shade or filtered sun. It is easy to plant and maintain, requiring little water and fertilizer.

To plant Vinca Minor, choose a shaded area with well-draining soil. Plant it in the spring or fall, spacing the plants about 12 inches apart. To maintain it, prune it back in the late winter or early spring to promote new growth.

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