Steel barricades arriving outside Manhattan Criminal Court where Trump will be prosecuted

1 year ago

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Another thing which sucks at right wing people, at most of them. Instead of just recognising not all right wing type of people are peacefull (and thats ok, in millions of people some are violent), they ditch that and put it all on Antifa type people, left wing. I've seen tons of right wing people who were really right wing who were sick and tired of the peacefull atttitude. Ashli Babbit for example, she wasnt really peacefull she did try to jump a window in the Capitol. And she wasnt Antifa she was a right wing type of girl as it gets. And good for her that she had the balls to do it. She paid the price yes, but she was brave. And foolish in the same time, because the Capitol Hill officer shot her. This type of behaviour just makes right wing people cowards and no one will back them up not really. That is why they can prosecute Trump so close to him being not president. Normally in a civlised country presidents have immunity to this, especially because a president can be impeached during his administration. Right wing type of people pose as Saints and they are not saints. Instead of just saying: yes some violent people responded with violence to the violence done by the Capitol Hill Police and the Secret services, they dont say this like its a shame. Its no shame its only natural to some people. Yes, we should be better than responding with violence to violence but some people are really not and that is ok. Ok in the sense that as long as there are armies and guns and active wars of course some people will be violent, Why is it this high standard when all around the world armies kill themselves daily and thousands die daily worldwide because of violence, agression and war?

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