Jesus is Not God.

1 year ago

Why has the church been worshipping this character jesus who teaches the law is done away with, the sabbath is everyday, once saved always saved, confession by the name only, pre trib rapture, and so many more false doctrines? Well Daniel spoke about this telling us one would come speaking blasphemous things about The Father and our Messiah Yeshua told us that He came in His Fathers name and we didn’t rejected Him but if another comes in his own name we would receive him. Yahweh warns us to come out of the church lest we take part of her plagues. If you’re not educated on the law and the prophets it’s very easy to be deceived with all of the false doctrines and denominations out there. We’re called to study and show ourselves approved not listen to false prophets and ba’al priests. Yahweh is our teacher not men and especially the churches who say the law was done away with while they pass around a collection pot. Is that not part of the law? Do we not see that the church has mixed herself with the world and excepts things we’re told to not tolerate? Yahweh is One not three persons, not three gods, but One. Yeshua is our mediator and high priest not our Father. He says Himself that we’re to follow Yahweh through the example He set and was given by His Father. We pray the remnant will hear the call and stand for truth and stop believing the lie. Yah bless!

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