Power B*tches Who Want To Rule the World

1 year ago

On this edition of Maverick News, we profile two powerful female leaders on the rise: Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (the granddaughter of a Ukrainian #Nazi collaborator), and #Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin. (The "Nazi Nancys")

Marin initially made a big splash in 2019 when she became the youngest elected Prime Minister in the world. But more recently she's become better known for her party girl antics and alcohol-fueled all-night raves. Despite the scandals, Marin says she's not going to change her wild ways -- because she's simply having too much fun.

While Marin has her fun, her people are suffering record inflation, a cost of living crisis and an economic crisis due to the #UkraineWar -- a war Marin wholeheartedly supports.

This week PM Marin visited #Ukraine and hung out with President #Zelensky (imagine those two partying together!), and attended a funeral for Dmitry Kotsiubailo, a well-known leader of Right Sector, another Ukrainian #NeoNazi battalion.

We will show you footage of her good times in Ukraine, smiling happily for the news cameras while a generation of young Ukrainians march off to their deaths. Marin doesn't seem at all disturbed by it. In fact, she appears to be having the time of her life.

We also discuss Canada's Chrystia Freeland, Deputy ot Prime Minister Justin #Trudeau.

#fascism runs deep in the family tree with Freeland. Her grandfather Mikhailo Chomiak was editor-in-chief of Krakivski Visti—a daily newspaper published by the #Bandera-aligned Ukrainian Central Committee.

Freeland was taught from an early age to hate Russian people -- a belief handed down through generations. For example, her Grandpa Chomiak was all but delirious in the June 23, 1941 issue announcing the launching of what it called a “holy war” against the “antichrist.” (#Russia)

On a recent visit to her hometown, Deputy PM Freeland was confronted by an angry Albertan man who called her a "traitorous fuckin' bitch" -- and the video quickly went viral. We will show you that video and talk about how the establishment closed ranks to protect her from the opinions of the Canadian people.

Last year, Freeland took part in the Toronto Ukrainian Festival Parade in Toronto glorifying another Ukrainian Nazi collaborator she worships as a hero, Stepan #Bandera. She was photographed holding a red-and-black banner representing The Right Sector neo-Nazi paramilitary organisation.

Spare us that "Slava Ukraini" stuff, ladies. We know what it really means -- and you're not fooling anybody.

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