March 20th 2023 video talk about life & Pluto's Altering Shift.

1 year ago

2023 - The Revolutionary Age!
Technology- Science -Consciousness.

As the sun reaches 29º Pisces, we find ourselves in a state of exhaustion after a long and trying year. Our emotions and negativity have risen to the surface, causing us to face our struggles and discontent with the world.

Under the darkness of the new moon, the universe calls on us to confront our inner demons and release the burdens of the past year. The road ahead may be challenging, but let us not make it harder by holding onto what no longer serves us. Instead, let's rise with renewed purpose and determination.

Remember, we are not alone in this journey. The cosmos supports us, urging us to embrace our inner strength and have faith in the path ahead.
As we leave the era of EARTH for the last 200 years, we now enter the AGE OF AIR for the next 200 years! (This occurred in 2020 with the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius)

The Great Change Into The Age of AIR ENERGY! And now we have the significant planets all moving sign over the next five years.
We started with Jupiter into Aries; Saturn changed sign into Pisces on 8th March, and then Pluto will change signs - entering Aquarius on March 23rd 2023!

Navigating this new air terrain will be to understand. First, the individual; then, it's the individual within a greater whole - we call humanity. We must know ourselves to know the other and to be here standing up for a greater good within humanity.

we can no longer hide behind presentations, energy will either be positive or negative, and it will be felt and understood in this new era. The game has changed/is changing, and a new path will and must emerge. How this emerges will depend on the level of consciousness it will be born from. Will it take away from or add to humanity for a great good? This is the essence of Aquarius. The Era of Science, Medicine, Technology, Climate, and Communications. The Era of the Nervous System, our Mental Health, our Psychology.

Much will change, much will happen, and a lot will be faced.
And on we must go!

And so it is


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