That 70's guy beat ..

2 years ago

70's guy drop in for a visit on Saturday and he showed me a few thing from his favorite drummers of the era. He also mentioned that in the 60's and 70's most guy's wore button down shirts and would unbuttoned them from the top down. (I believe Steve Smith still sports this look to this day)
He went on to say that Men wanted to show just how manly they were unafraid and strong.
While we were sharing a beer he reminded me of how things were in the 70's and mentioned that there were no 70 inch flat screen TV's, No cable with countless movies to watch and stream at any given time,
No internet to acquire information and No smart phones that were smarter then him.
There was only really bad television counter balanced with the greatest music ever !
If we wanted to have fun we had to entertain ourselves some how some way we were compelled to use our imagination .

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