Low Carb Diet 5 AMAZING Benefits #lowcarb

2 years ago

Low Carb Diet 5 AMAZING Benefits. When You start a low-carb diet,
there are amazing benefits besides weight loss.

For more information and to start a Low Carb Diet, Click the Link in the Description. http://bit.ly/LowCarbDiet5AmazingBenefits

As reported by the mayo clinic, these benefits include:

1) Lower type 2 Diabetes
2) Lower risk of Heart Disease
3) Weight Loss
4) Improve Blood Sugar levels
5) Lower Cholesterol Levels

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Purpose of a Low-Carb Diet:

A low carb diet is generally used for Weight Loss. Some low carb diets may have Health Benefits beyond weight loss, such as lowering your risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.

Diet Details: A low carb diet limits the amount of Carbohydrates you eat.

Carbs are grouped as:

1) Simple natural, such as lactose in milk and fructose in fruit.
2) Simple refined such as table sugar.
3) Complex natural, such as whole grains or beans.
4) Complex refined, such as white flower.

Common Sources of Natural Carbohydrates include:
Grains, Fruits, Veggies, Milk, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes such as beans, lentals and peas.

Typical Foods for a Low-Carb Diet:
Focus on Proteins and Vegetables

Weight Loss

I suggest starting a Low Carb Diet is to Cook your Foods in a Oven, pan but without Oil or Low Amount of oil to limit your Cholesterol intake to stay Healthy.

For more information and to start a Low Carb Diet, Click the Link in the Description. http://bit.ly/LowCarbDiet5AmazingBenefits

Mayo Clinic Full Article:

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