This video proves that the MiG-31 is armed and dangerous "Mach 3.0 Assassin"

1 year ago

The three regiments flying the VKS’s best interceptor—the twin-engine, two-seat Mikoyan MiG-31BM—are winning where most of the rest of the air force is losing.

MiG-31 crews, flying high-altitude defensive patrols along the ever-shifting front lines and firing powerful Vympel R-37M air-to-air missiles, in recent weeks apparently have shot down several Ukrainian jets. The Ukrainians’ own fighters and missiles lack the speed, range and altitude performance to fight back effectively.

The VKS’s defensive patrols “have proven highly effective against Ukrainian attack aircraft and fighters, with the MiG-31BM and R-37M long-range air-to-air missile being especially problematic,” Justin Bronk, Nick Reynolds and Jack Watling wrote in a new study for the Royal United Services Institute in London.

The 24-ton MiG-31, which first flew in 1975, is a rare beast. It’s an evolution of the classic, Cold War-vintage Mikoyan MiG-25, a plane the Russians designed specifically to intercept supersonic U.S. Air Force bombers on nuclear attack runs. Today around 90 modernized MiG-31BMs equip three regiments, at least one of which has deployed jets to Belbek air base in Russian-occupied Crimea for sorties over Ukraine.

a note to you!...Be careful in choosing news: double-check the news for truth from all sources, don't trust only one media. This video and cover is for illustration purposes only.

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