1 year ago

DISCLAIMER: I did not produce this video and do not own any claims to this work. As invited, I downloaded a copy for dissemination, offered under the FAIR USE ACT, for entertainment and educational use. (PLEASE, continue reading and watch, at least, the first 7:20 mins./secs.) The views, opinions and/or facts expressed and information shared or shown are not necessarily my own, and might disagree with my perception and/or beliefs, at times, in some cases. Although I have a background in the medical profession, I am in no way a scientist, chemist, pharmacist or genetic expert. Also, as with religious, or spiritual, beliefs each viewer must do their own study and research, then personally decide what to accept and reject, which is always to be very much encouraged. Trusting what others share is one matter, faith is an entirely separate topic. Not everything shared, within this video, entirely agrees with my interpretation of scripture. Yet, all should be open minded enough to consider the views of others, as healthy skeptics and critical, free thinkers. Still, we can all glean and learn something or some things from this information. I hope and pray that it becomes a catalyst for research and blessing to each and every one who takes precious time to watch this video. Thank Yah (God) for the person or persons who took time to participate, contribute and put effort into its production. Amen.

Now, I would further encourage you to watch another video, somewhat related to this subject, speaking of DNA. Here, I will provide a url address (link) for quick access or to copy and paste into your browser. After viewing that video, you might feel inclined, perhaps even inspired, to do a deep dive study into TELOMERES.
12.09.22 Patriot Streetfigher with Joshua Reid - Show #2
🙏 Please, enjoy both videos! 🖖🏽🕊️

What is FEW OWN, backwards?
Covfefe = Co V Fe Fe (periodic table) (EMF & 5G shield)
COVID-19 = Certification Of Vaccination I.D.-A.I. 
SMART = Secret Military Array Residential Technology
 < ai = artificial intelligence - autonomous super computer algorithms / monitoring >
https://www.bitchute.com/video/4F0grfKvse2y > 4:28 min. video < smart >

Alternative Energy
< https://rumble.com/v27sss9-nikola-tesla-solved-our-energy-problem-then-he-was-silenced-redacted-histor.html >

Vaccine-nation (book) Andreas Moritz
CoronaVirus is common cold < https://twitter.com/lovetocook12345/status/1618755299107811329 >

BIOWEAPON https://karenkingston.substack.com/

READING: < www.khazaria.com > Rense 13 page PDF
“Solar System Approaching..Galactic Core” ( Watchers.News ) <climate change>

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