Otaku learns Japanese from anime & Utada Hikaru to save bad bunny's life: LEARN HIRAGANA or.. Part 2

1 year ago

Did you watch Part 1 and get あいうえ and お down pat and memorized? If not, watch it here: https://youtu.be/roa2wUjFGxI

Learning Japanese with Anime has never been so much fun!
In this episode, Otaku dreams of his lost friend Pedro Pascal, the bad bunny. It seems that the last lesson was not enough to appease the demon. He tries to cheer himself up with Utada Hikaru's Flavor of Life but overwhelming feelings take over... In this lesson you'll learn かきくけ and こ

Hiragana is the first Japanese writing script that kids learn in Japan! Even 4 year olds typically know how to read and write it, so we definitely got this!

Special thanks to @takumitohgu for the hiragana calligraphy brush work!

Get your Ashitaka hoodie here:

Thanks so much for watching! Don't forget to like and subscribe!
#anime #hiragana #japaneselesson #comedy #jpop

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