Ep 29 N8 17th Mar 23 - Spies, Lies & S 117 Health Act 1956

1 year ago

Tonight we dive in to Part 6 S117 Health Act 1956 - Everything will make sense

- The Governor-General may from time to time by Order in Council make such regulations as may in his opinion be necessary or expedient for giving full effect to the provisions of this Act- This was not done!

These Regulations must be Gazetted - This was not done!
The Covid Orders were made but no-one was designated to carry them out. This means NO-ONE! Smoke and mirrors big time!

Health Act 1956 Section 92 I (5)- In no case may a direction require an individual to submit to compulsory treatment.

There are so many aspects in this section of the Health Act that WERE NOT CARRIED OUT as per THE LAW!

The Census - we look at the spywear associated with filling out the online Census - Your information will be kept private - Yeah Right!!! Read the full article here

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