We, the people of Ecuador say NO to WHO´s control of our contry.

1 year ago

In the second paragraph of the Constitution of the Republic It is taught that sovereignty lies in the people, therefore neither the government nor other institutions of the State are holders of the sovereignty holder or owner of sovereignty belongs to the people of Ecuador.

The government to exercise the representation of its authority requires unequivocal will of the holder, generally expressed at the ballot box thus obtaining the elected moral authority and legal to fulfill the mandate given to them. The people, therefore it is the holder of the Sovereign right, it is the one who has the supreme power to exercise sovereignty with total independence throughout the territory of the republic; in others words, the people as principal entrust to the

elected leaders the business of the State in a way of a fiduciary commission lies The people to the ruler so that in the time determined in the Constitution to comply with the provisions in the campaign offer and in the government plan that was sold to the voters before the election.

Now it will be that the mandate that the people grants the government delimited in its powers not so is the sovereign will of the people expressed at the ballot box has as its foundation.

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