March 19, 2023

2 years ago

Very loudspeakers, especially the bass, apparently, at a place called, El Jardin Del Paraiso, they are brutal, the bass goes through walls and windows, from early evenings to very late at night, normally during the weekends but also during weekdays, also these speakers are move around to other places near my apt, sometimes to Third street. Complaints to the NYPD are useless, these complaints are being repeatedly ignored, at it happens with all kind of complaints related to noise, this speakers must affect everyone in a block radio, so, no one besides me cares? Or every complaint is being disregarded as well. General loudness. I see the area surrounding my apartment, and this street in general, as very loud, resembling more a busy intersection, than the middle of a long block, last block, at a residential area. From around 6 am to as late as 3 am, including weekends, you hear vehicles blasting stereos, very loud mufflers, very loud idling, trucks, many, many trucks and other commercial vehicles, piercing back up beeping, loud individuals parades, crying children, screaming children at PS15, very loud tools, hammering, drilling and others, rattling of bottles, very loud speakers, very loud handheld radios, barking, very loud motorcycles, multiple sirens, etc, etc., in sum loudness around the clock, it is only silence, when someone reliable is present and only last, as long those persons are present. This loudness isn’t a coincidence, or casual, is a campaign of attrition the spy agencies started as early as April 2007, but mainly, on March 2008. The objective is to get me to snap at some point, hence I can be arrested.

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