Rayz A New Beginning 2012

1 year ago

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This is a song written to celebrate the planetary consciousness movement towards greater love and wisdom amongst the inhabitants of planet earth as predicted by the "Mayan Calendar" and to which the year of 2012 is significant in terms of a paradigm shift towards greater awareness for this new Era. A New Beginning!

The lyrics reflect the struggle between light and dark and infuse the listener with a positive outlook on the upcoming transition into this new cycle. It will fill you with Hope and Enthusiasm to help us all head steadfastly towards a new world filled with peace, compassion and harmony for all living things.

Rayz your vibration and follow your heartfelt bliss!

Une chanson écrite pour célébrer le mouvement planétaire de conscientisation vers l'amour et la sagesse parmi les habitants de la planète Terre comme prédit par le "calendrier maya" et à laquelle l'année de 2012 est importante en termes de changement de paradigme en termes de prise de conscience.

© Rayz 2012, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2012. All right reserved

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