Stay Free Trailer # 2 (What Has Gone Wrong With The World?) (Updated Version)

12 years ago

Now available on DVD @

Also available as an e-book from Amazon:

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A book exploring the decline of our society and the Christian response. Along the way explore questions such as:

What is the Gospel?
When the government passes laws that contradict our faith, what should we do?
How should we face persecution? Is civil disobedience ever justified?
Can we celebrate Christmas & Easter?
Should we go to church on Saturday or Sunday?
What should our attitude be towards tithing and fasting?
Once Saved, Always Saved?
What does Satanism actually look like?
Why do people go to hell?
Can Christians swear?
Is Adventist religion correct?
What are the rules for true Christian worship?
Has Christianity been a force for good or evil in the world?
Should Christians get involved in politics?
Is the Law of Moses still binding?
What should the church look like?
Are we truly free?

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