Heart and Mind — A Sound MInd

2 years ago

As our nations are awash once more in financial crisis relating to, In Wall Street-Speak, an 'asset liability mismatch' one wonders if there are any 'sound minds' in the financial sector.
Some problems have rational, if not easy solutions, when you consider the wisdom of scripture to inform a sound-minded approach. We cannot avoid sowing what we have reaped, and now we are reaping what was sown.
But facing major economic upheavals and social instability on the international scale and financial woes on a personal level, how do we have the sound mind that helps us discern a good path forward?
Paul encourages us to leave behind the foolish and futile mindset of those who do not know God ,who are caught in wilful ignorance, whose reasoning is clouded, and who cannot make sound-minded decisions.
Rather, Paul encourages believers to be renewed in their minds and to put on the mind of Christ. This is an ongoing process that continues as long as God's spirit works in us and we are listening to God's wisdom as revealed in the scriptures. It is the sound mind of Christ that will help us to have the balanced focus we need in times of turmoil. Where are we on this journey of knowing and embracing the mind of Christ?


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