Meteorologist Alissa Carlson of Los Angeles KCAL News suffers a sudden Vaccine attack on LIVE Tv

1 year ago

March 18th 2023
Meteorologist Alissa Carlson of KCAL News suffers a sudden #Vaxattack On LIVE Tv. However mainstream media still covers up their story with more LIES **Notice the rolling of the eyes**
In the previous months from last year and the year before, we've all seen these vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths happen globally.
Make no mistake, this is one of them and there will be more to come as we have all seen this happen over and over and over again and again.
Keep in mind, your FAKE government and the mainstream news media DON'T want you to know the reality of these poisonous injections.
They will make up ANY type of LIE to you just so that you end up like this or end up dead in a casket.

Either way, U will not be properly informed. You will be LIED to all the time.
These poisonous injections are a mixed batch. It's a game of Russian roulette in front of your face and your the target.
Also keep in mind, your piece of shit fake government does not care about you. And neither does the CDC, big pharma, big tech, the mainstream news media on your TV, black Rock, vanguard and every corporation all around the world including the world health organization. . . .all of them DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.
They want you DEAD or injured permanently but they don't want you to know this.
Alissa Carlson got lucky this time. She was transported to a local hospital and is doing ok.
I highly recommend that you look up vaccine injuries or vaccine deaths here on Rumble. You'll see the TRUTH 4 yourself.

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