Spring Equinox/New Moon For Zodiacs 🌷🌑

2 years ago

Welcome back Awakened Inuitives and welcome to any new Awakened Inuitives 🙌

We are back for a Reading on The Spring Equinox and The New Moon in Aries for Zodiac Signs.

Take what resonates ☺️

*All for entertainment purposes only*

*I do not own the rights to the background music*

-Information Read 1:05
-Singing Bowl 3:50
-General Energy Messages 5:50
- ARIES 11:11
- TAURUS 23:43
- GEMINI 32:32
- CANCER 43:23
- LEO 56:43
- VIRGO 1:10:00
- LIBRA 1:23:00
- SCORPIO 1:37:50
- CAPRICORN 1:57:54
- AQUARIUS 2:08:48
- PISCES 2:21:41

*If Interested in Watching Lightworkers Messages: https://youtu.be/XlDqVR8Jq_Y

*You can also follow me over on my YouTube Channel Here: https://youtu.be/4c_IpgqGcjM

*You can follow me on my Telegram Channel Here: https://t.me/AwakenedIntuitivesTarot

*You can follow me on my Tiktok Here: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTR5w5JGd/

*You can follow me on my Facebook Page Here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/706325003965808/?ref=share

*You can Follow me over on my Snapchat Here: https://t.snapchat.com/nwwqVOU5

*For Free Readings you can get ahold of me here: awakenedintuitives10@yahoo.com

*If Interested in Crystal Medicine Healing Jewelry! https://youtube.com/@CrystalMedicinehealingjewery

*List of Decks
-Angel Wisdom Oracle
-Awakened Dreamer Oracle
-Shaman Wisdom Oracle
*Shamans Dream Oracle For All Zodiacs Last Oracle Message*
-Crystal Visions Tarot
-White Light Oracle
-Seeker Oracle
-Magical Nordic Tarot
-Angels and Ancestors Oracle
-Enchanted Map Oracle
-Tarot of a Moon Garden
-Beyond Lemuria Oracle
-Untamed Elemental Oracle
-Herbcrafters Tarot
-Wild Unknown Archetypes Oracle
-Wild Mystic Oracle
-Celestial Tarot
-Sacred Light Oracle
-Messenger Oracle
-Hermetic Tarot
-Lightworker Oracle
-Divine Animals Oracle
-The Kemetic Tarot Veil of Asset Edition
-Crystal Mandala Oracle
-The Lyran Oracle
-Mystical Dream Tarot
-Sacred Earth Oracle
-Conscious Spirit Oracle
-Revelations Tarot
-Earth Warriors Oracle
-Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
-Shadowscapes Tarot
-Lemurian Starchild Oracle
-Hummingbird Wisdom Oracle
-Tarot of the Divine
-Sacred Sites Oracle
-Starcodes Astro Oracle
-Lightseers Tarot
-Starseed Oracle

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