Lesson 53: Jesus Whom Paul Preacheth 051420

2 years ago

The Bible Show
Lesson 53: Jesus Whom Paul Preacheth 051420
JD Hudson YouTube Channel

01.) Acts 19:11-17 (Jesus whom Paul preacheth).
02.) Proverbs 16:25 (There is a way that seemeth right).
03.) Matthew 7:21-23 (All who say Lord Lord won't get in).
04.) Luke 6:46-49 (Why call me Lord and don't do what I say).
05.) Romans 10:1-3, 13-16 (Hear and obey, then call).
06.) Isaiah 53:1-6 (Who hath believed our report).
07.) Hosea 4:1-2, 6 (Lack of knowledge).
08.) Proverbs 4:1-7 (Keep my commandments and live).
09.) 2 John 1:5-11 (Love is keeping the commandments).
10.) 1 Timothy 4:12-16 (Take heed unto the doctrine).
11.) Acts 8:5-25 (Simon heart is not right).
12.) Jeremiah 17:9-10 (The heart is deceitful).
13.) Romans 2:13 (Doers of the law are justified).
14.) James 1:22-27 (Be a doer of the word).
15.) Genesis 4:1-7 (God rejects Cain's offering).
16.) Proverbs 12:15 (The way of a fool).
17.) Ephesians 6:10-18 (Put on the whole armour of God).
18.) 1 John 2:1-6 (We know Him if we keep His commandments).

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