An Unprecedented Level of Censorship

1 year ago

In 2019, I started “@arepublicans” as a method through which I would attempt to wake up America and help in the effort to get President Donald J. Trump re-elected.

I’ve had much success in this endeavor over the years with my content being seen by many notable figures including Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Dan Crenshaw, Madison Cawthorn, Jenna Ellis, Charlie Kirk, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and President Donald J. Trump himself.

Unfortunately, last week I woke up to an email from Truth Social saying that my account had been banned. This happened without any warning or reason whatsoever. After sending many emails over the course of the last week, I still have yet to hear back from them.

However, it is not yet over. I will keep fighting to do my part in Making America Great Again.

God bless you all,

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