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Reptil by John Catchpole and Angus Peter Allen. Episode Three: The Cursed Island. A Puke (TM) Comic
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Episode Three.
The Cursed Island.
Page 1:
Like any other day, the steamer Jolly Jack transports hundreds of tourists on an excursion to Doomcrag Island.
Nick Dexter and Don Redding are among the passengers spending their vacation on Doomcrag Island.
Three long weeks! Do you realize?
What a dream! We will finally forget the white eyes!
To their immense surprise, a familiar face stands out in the crowd.
Oh look Don!
Monsieur Timms! Hello Mister Timms!
Page 2:
But, the chemist disappears in the crowd.
Strange! Did you see that?
Why is he running away from us? Nevertheless, we are friends.
A little later, Timms climbs towards old Doomcrag castle.
The Boss will reproach me. He wanted me to arrive unnoticed.
An in the Grand Hall of the Castle…
Patron! I made a mistake.
What have you done, you crawling dog?
The Patron is none other than Ezra Creech, the one we thought was dead, eaten by a shark.
I was recognized by the two young boys, Dexter and Redding.
They are here on Doomcrag?
And you are surprised? By all the demons reunited! You will pay for this.
Page 3:
Obeying orders, Timms sits in his chair and attaches himself.
I am ready Boss.
Perfect! Now Suffer!
Under the evil eye and insane laughter of the old man, Timms chair is electrified.
I don’t want you to ruin my Plans Timms!
After this electrical discharge you will obey y sole will! Now, and whatever comes!
Timms gets to work at his beakers and retorts.
So, miserable, what are your results?
Very soon master, before tonight.
That’s it?
Here is the gas that transforms men into monsters with white eyes one hundred times more powerful than the previous one, and it resists all the antidotes!
Page 4:
Ezra Creech breathes in the gas, and the transformation is instantaneous!
Bah! I’ve won once again! Humanity will tremble! I shall take up the con quest of the world. But first, lets have some fun.
A huge rock known as the “Devil’s Balloon” dominates the Village.
You will see, poor people down below!
Ezra Creech stands by the huge rock, and with one hand…
The Devils Balloon rushes upon the peaceful village.
Page 5:
It lands in the village square.
Rumble! Rumble!
Don has just enough time to save a baby in a stroller.
A few seconds later, a pleasure boat is crushed!
Page 6:
Immediately the passers-by gather around Don.
My baby! How can I thank you monsieur?
Replied censored.
“It is my pleasure Madame”.
Say Nick! Do you know where the mass fell from?
From the summit, up there.
So it was the Devils Balloon up there?
How could it fall? It’s been there for centuries!
Meanwhile at the top of the mountain, Ezra Creech is Jubilant.
Ha, ha, ha!
This is just a small start, to start our hand. It is tomorrow that everything will commence.
At that instant, a Pidgeon passes in front of a window at the chateau.
Page 7:
He enters the laboratory, and wets his small beak in a beaker.
And the transformation occurs!
Next day, the regular scheduled aircraft lands at Doomcrag airport. No one sees the Pidgeon flying over the ground.
No one, except the pilot.
Ah! Look!
Page 8:
The small and fragile legs strike the aircrafts wing. Crash!
The aircraft crashes and Burns!
Emergency help arrives and passengers and crew disembark.
The Pidgeon! It’s them! The white eyes!
What story is he recounting?
Help me.
The White eyes!
The white eyes?
Again? No! No! It is not possible!
Page 9:
The news spreads immediately in the City.
The White Eyes!
The White eyes are back!
Nick and Don start out to climb the mountain, and hear an explosion.
What else is going on?
It’s coming from the airport, look and explosion!
But, here, at the point where the Devils Balloon had rested.
Do you see those teeth, it’s how the stone was fixed forever.
Yes, until yesterday, but who, and why?
Don! Look, at the top, on the ramparts!
What, my word, its Timms!
Page 10:
The Chemist looks down sadly on Doomcrag.
No! No! He thinks. I cannot go on like this, I’ll tell the boss I’ve had enough!
Immediately Timms finds Ezra Creech at his desk.
Boss, I don’t want to do this dirty work anymore.
What does this mean?
The White of Ezra Creech’s eyes shines brilliantly!
You will obey my orders you understand!
If you protest, you will undergo my treatment!
No! No! You can have it!
Perfect! Take this vial! You will pour the contents into the water reservoir, and tomorrow, the whole island will be peopled with white eyes!
Page 11:
Hidden behind the window, Don and Nick have not missed a word.
Great Gods! Did you hear that!
We must prevent this from happening!
When Timms descends towards the village, he is shadowed by the two young men.
You there, hold it!
Why, wheat is it?
A sudden movement, and the vial escapes from Timms hand.
Page 12:
And tumbles towards the city!
To explode in the courtyard of a primary school!
A moment later, all of the schoolchildren are turned into white eyes!
Kill! Burn! Destroy!
Kill the teachers!
Terrified, the teachers barricade themselves in the buildings.
Vive les white eyes! One lifts up a teacher’s car.
Lift it up, we will tear it to pieces!
In a few seconds the school is sacked!
Destroy! Destroy it all!
Page 13:
The school children from Cragsby go through the town!
To the chocolate factory!
Death to all those who oppose the White Eyes!
Spreading through the factory, the children gorge on chocolate!
Ha! Ha, slurp, slurp!
Crunch, Chomp! Argh!
Meanwhile, on the heights, Nick and Don Question Timms
Why are you in the service of Ezra Creech!
He, He Has destroyed my will by his electric treatment! I made a gas much more powerful than the other!
Get me out of here so he never finds me!
You’re just a poor fool, He has reduced you to nothing!
We have to help him Nick!
The two friends hide the Chemist in a cave.
Page 14:
Wait for us here, we will return for you.
Thanks Nick.
Look Nick, a boat is heading to the Village.
The “boat” is in reality a great aircraft carrier.
We must seize this chance!
Yes, we must make Creech harmless.
They go to the aircraft carrier, and then…
Can you take us to the Commander? It's a matter of life or death. It’s the white eyes.
The White eyes?
A few minutes later, the two boys are in the cabin of the commander.
You ask me to send aircraft to bomb Doomcrag castle. But you are crazy!
You must believe us commander! There is not a second to loose.
Ezra Creech took refuge there.
Page 15:
But from his refuge, Creech had seen the Aircraft Carrier.
Ah! This boat can be a menace to me, but I will use it against them! We are going to have some fun, ha, ha.
And Creech throws handfuls of grain into the air.
Eat! Eat my little children! And become my allies!
Squawk! Squawk!
Indeed, soon after the birds head towards the planes!
Oh Look!
Damn seagulls come by the hundreds!
Bad luck, look at their eyes!
And they fall on the deck, destroying everything
Squawk, Squawk!
Page 16:
From the conning tower, Nick and Don attend the scene.
Too late! Creech is faster than us!
We have one chance again!
Open fire on Doomcrag castle.
But, while the marines obey orders and load the guns.
Squawk! Ah!
It is dramatic!
Page 17:
The aircraft carrier is cut in two!
Squawk! Boom! Whoom!
Don and Nick are saved with the others.
It’s another blow by Ezra Creech!
During this time, the one on the tower rejoices at the spectacle.
Bravo, my feathered friends. Nothing will prevent me from becoming master of this Island, nothing.
Page 18:
However, the two boys are able to reach a calm beach.
So, what do we do now?
Call the police!
We must organize an aerial attack against the castle.
But the news of the white eyes has made the inhabitants flee.
A little boy walks alone on the street.
This kid will show us the way
Do you know where the police station is?
Suddenly the eyes of the boy become white!
Nick and Don take to their heels.
He belongs to the group of friends.
He’s chasing us, we have to act fast!
Page 19:
Nick climbs into a truck and releases the brake.
Quick, run!
But to their great surprise, the truck doesn’t move!
And soon the road is blocked by hundreds of the white-eyed kids
Beware of intruders!
Hunt them down! After them!
Page 20:
Destroy! Destroy!
Let's get in there quick, the building under construction! Don! It's our only chance of salvation.
They go up the long steel staircase.
What do we do now?
At the base, the little white eyed monsters don’t waste any time!
Nick! The whole scaffolding will collapse!
A second later, Don is thrown into the void!
Nick holds onto his friend with all of his strength.
Phew! I can’t take it anymore.
Climb so I can let go!
Page 21:
Suddenly a helicopter appears and stops above them.
Hold on to the hook.
Damn! It was about time!
Incredible! Both safe and sound.
A little later.
I picked up these two young people while I was doing an inspection tour over the city.
If you have any information to share with us on the white eyes, come and see the colonel.
Any information! And how!
Page 22:
Their story ended.
At dawn I will send an infantry battalion to dislodge Ezra Creech.
It would be suicide Commander. You must blow up the castle and Creech with it.
WHEN I NEED more advice, young man, I'll ask you.
Oh, Excuse me Colonel.
We should try to get Timms of this Island, and with him, the antidote.
In this case it is best to leave with the brigade.
Meanwhile at Doomcrag, Ezra Creech addresses the little white-eyed monsters.
You will help me turn every living thing on this Island into white eyes!
Vive the white eyes!
We obey you, Boss!
Page 23:
This very evening,
Ezra Creech throws several vials containing the gas into the town’s water reservoir.
It's Timms who would have this job Ah! This one I will destroy.
One hour later retirees in the retirement home drink the contaminated water.
Your Chocolate, take One!
Thanks friend.
A few minutes later.
Ah! Demolish! Destroy it.
Page 24:
At dawn, the army arrives on the Island.
Stop on the beach.
Nick and Don are with the first wave.
And now Don?
Quickly, let’s get Timms from the Cavern.
A group of old people arrive in front of the soldiers.
And to their great surprise!
Kill the intruders.
Huh! Whack!
Page 25:
Long live the White Eyes!
Kill the intruders!
Quickly! Get out of here.
The invisible hands attack the pillars of the Jetty, and one collapses.
No one can oppose the power of the white eyes.
Only a few soldiers manage to escape the Island by swimming.
A few other try to get to their truck, but…
No one will escape the white eyes!
Page 26:
And the army attack on Doomcrag ends in catastrophe.
Ezra Creech rejoices at the spectacle.
Ha, ha! he thinks. Nothing can stop me now. NOTHING. In a few hours, everything living on this Island will be transformed into white eyes.
Page 27:
He will visit the amusement park.
Ha, ha, ha! What an adorable creature he thinks as he enters the tank for the giant killer octopus.
In the aquarium. He admires the monster in his glass cage.
You will be very useful! A friend with eight tentacles!
Meanwhile, Nick and Don arrive at the cave where they had left their friend Timms.
Timms, Timms, where are you?
Where is he?
He is not here Don!
Timms seems even more terrified than before.
We will leave this Island, so you can fight against the white eyes.
Page 28:
Everything is fine until they get to the lighthouse.
Let’s take one of those little boats…
Suddenly, everything changes!
Great Gods! A Giant Killer Octopus emerges from the ocean!
Ah! It is the end!
Quickly! Get into the lighthouse!
But the building tumbles under the assault!
Page 29:
The giant killer octopus ingests the lighthouse!
Phew! We had a narrow escape!
Yes, now we have to find a boat.
Crossing the deserted town.
You think he is too?
I don’t know, let’s be on our guard.
Page 30:
Under his helmet, sparkling white eyes!
With hands of steel, he seizes Timms.
No, No! Don’t hurt me! Take me to your Boss!
Creech receives him vociferously!
Timms You disobeyed me you sniveling dog! You will be punished!
No! Have pity!
To start with, you will undergo the treatment! Then, if you will work for me...I have a task for you!
Whatever you want boss!
Page 31:
Meanwhile, in the military camp on the mainland, the colonel reviews the situation.
Ezra Creech has transformed the inhabitants of the Island into monsters with white eyes!
I should have listened to the two boys. We will bombard the Castle! And it must be reduced to dust.
Nick and Don are hidden behind a rick, when the first sound of cannon fire starts!
It is the Army firing on the Castle! They have finally decided to follow our advice!
Too late! If they had listened to us, the world would already be rid of Ezra Creech.
Page 32:
Creech sees everything, hears everything from his new headquarters.
Poor fools! They think we can attack Ezra Creech like any mortal.
At his call, and animal presents itself, a giant white-eyed kangaroo with boxing gloves on its paws!
Perfect! You will fly to the continent and silence their absurd canon!
In the shadow of the eagle, the kangaroo soars in the sky!
GO ahead my friend! Rend, tear, and destroy!
The batteries of cannon are still firing when the eagle and the kangaroo arrive.
Ah! God in heaven! The White Eyes!
Page 33:
The two envoys of Creech fall upon the cannon!
Strewth! Fair Dinkum! Ah!
I don’t want to be attacked!
Run fast as you can!
Having turned the canons into piles of scrap, the eagle and the Kangaroo return by air.
Page 34:
And soon after.
Good Work, my dear friends!
Now, I will summon all our brothers and sisters on the island for a great council of war!
A little later, from their observation post, Nick and Don see the inhabitants of Doomcrag filing past.
What do you think of that Don?
They are going into the amusement park. Follow them Nick!
Looks like a meeting!
Damn! Creech is there too!
Page 35:
My brothers, my sisters, as the first stage of conquest of the world, I propose to invade the continent!
Long live our chief! Let’s invade the Continent!
Yes! I promise you. We will burn demolish, destroy! And my friends from the old people’s home will lead the assault!
Of all the assistants, missus Pinkie, the dean is the most enthusiastic.
The meeting ends, and the two friends advance by the light of the ghost train.
The authorities on the mainland must be alerted!
They probably aren’t really paying attention to an aircraft carrier being sunk, and a combat battalion destroyed.
All right! But let's wait for Creech to announce the date of the invasion.
Page 36:
In a store, they take a huge lamp and…
Returning: to the beach, nick starts sending a message…
He spells out: D, A, N, G, E, R.
Provided someone sees it, someone who can read Morse code.
But two white eyes watch!
And before the two young people have seen the danger, a multitude of crabs surround them!
Look out Nick!
Page 37:
Tighter and tighter the circle draws.
Nick, what are we going to do!
We can’t let ourselves die, we have to try to leave.
And, jumping into the air, he takes a prodigious leap.
Come quickly Don, let’s try our luck!
Don jumps in turn, and the two friends go running, pursued by the redoubtable claws!
A few meters further.
Bad luck! An army of Lobsters!
Let’s climb the Jetty! It’s out only chance!
Page 38:
TO THEIR AMAZEMENT, They have not escaped the danger. The lobsters begin to saw through the iron columns with their powerful claws. The center cannot hold!
In a few seconds everything will fall apart!
Let’s get on to the roof of this rotunda!
When all of the Iron scaffolding crumbles.
Hold on Nick, we’re going to slide!
We are saved!
Incredible! Let’s leave before those awesome creatures find us!
A little further along the beach, at the repair dock.
Damn! Look at that!
We have seen it all!
Page 39:
Dozens of white eyes were repairing the Jolly Jack.
Miss Pinkie, Terror of the old people’s home, was fixing the rivets by hand!
Ha! Ha! Hah!
What will they do with the Jolly Jack?
Evidently use it to invade other territories!
Page 40:
Meanwhile at general headquarters, Ezra Creech talks with Timms.
So, this famous gas, a thousand times more powerful, is it ready or not?
Not everything is done! Is not so easy.
I don’t want to hear about difficulties.
Good Boss.
I must have this gas to Invade Europe and America.
The operation to conquer the world begins tomorrow. It will all begin with the invasion of the continent with the Jolly Jack!
Page 41:
Ezra Creech reunites his friends at the amusement park.
My brothers, My Sisters! The hour has rung for the white eyes to be masters of the world!
Tomorrow we invade the continent!
You will sail on the jolly jack and miss pinkie here will command the shock troops who will eliminate all living beings!
Destruction! Demolition! Yells Missus Pinkie, the demolition mam.
From their hiding place, Don and Nick see and hear everything.
Let's try again Nick.
To send a warning in Morse.
They try a first message.
At Dawn.
Let’s go quickly! They will notice us if we hang about.
They are very fast.
We’ll get across to their boat.
We will remain hidden until departure and during the crossing.
Page 42:
They climb along a hawser and hide in a lifeboat.
I can't wait to see the dawn break you know.
Oh, yes, we'll have a blast!
Shortly before dawn, Ezra Creech witnesses the departure of the white eyes under the orders of missus pinkie, who is wielding a sledgehammer.
Fight savagely my brothers and my sisters.
We will not forget you boss! Long live the White Eyes!
As soon as the old ship leaves port, it is escorted by seagulls that had been transformed into white-eyed monsters.
Page 43:
Canon fire rings out from the shore.
Poor idiots, they shoot at us.
Soon their canon will be silent for eternity!
And Missus Pinkie howls an order to a vulture perched on the mast.
Seek! Locate! Exterminate!
Squawk! Squawk!
The shots come from a single tank. Naturally the soldier does not see the danger coming.
Aim to the right. Fire!
Squawk! Squawk!
Page 44:
The Vulture with the white eyes drops the tank into the Sea!
Our feathered brother has done good work!
A few minutes later, Missus pinkie leads the shock troops onto the Normandy beaches!
Tea and a chocolate biscuit at eleven!
There are no obstacles, and it is under an oppressive silence that Nick and Don advance up the beach.
The army surely did not receive our message. They would have taken action.
These monsters will raze the city.
Which is when.
Two monsters with white eyes! Open Fire!
Page 45:
Nick and Don have just enough time to throw themselves to the ground.
No! Stop!
We do not have white eyes!
Stop! Those are two boys that have helped us.
The Sergeant explains to Nick and Don, that he is part of the Brigade that is defending against the White eyes.
In that case, you should have received your message yesterday.
We received it, and the measures taken for the welcome are spectacular.
We set a trap, says the smug soldier. There is a column in the square that is booby-trapped. As soon as they approach it will fall over on them and crush them.
Page 46:
At just that moment, the redoubtable Missus Pinkie conducts her troops towards the Village Square.
Demolition! Destruction! Let’s Go! One, Two, Three!
But as soon as they arrive at the foot of the column.
From the proud tower at the center of the town, Death looks gigantically down!
And before the huge mass of marble crashes down on them.
Hold it, hold it my brothers, hold it! We are not afraid of such a huge erection hitting us in the face!
Page 47:
Long live the White Eyes! We are invincible!
The rumor reaches the small group at the beach.
I believe that it, says the sergeant. But another surprise awaits the survivors at the station.
Look! I will crush this miserable wretch!
No! No! Please, I will do whatever you ask!
I am a train conductor! I can take you wherever you want! I can take you to London.
Perfect! Take us to London!
I can’t wait to raze the parliament and Buckingham palace!
Page 48:
And thus, carrying its monstrous passengers, the train starts in the direction of the Capital!
But, five kilometers from the small village, the driver jumps from the train!
To the devil with you.
A few seconds later, and the vehicle is involved in a catastrophe!
The Points!
They have been destroyed!
We are betrayed! Vengeance! Vengeance!
Revenge my Brothers.
Page 49:
The rails have been torn up.
Ah! We are doomed!
But the redoubtable missus Pinkie reacts immediately.
Help my feathered brothers!
The birds with white eyes answer the call!
Squawk! Squawk!
And hundreds of pairs of wings land of the roof and change the direction of the train.
Page 50:
Well played!
The white eyes are unbeatable because they are united!
As we no longer have a conductor, we have to find another means of transport or continue on foot to London.
Walk! Think about the work we can do on our way!
However Nick and Don were taken to the headquarters of the armed forces.
Dexter and Redding have arrived from Doomcrag, General.
Did you derail the train?
Everything failed.
They are advancing on London.
And nothing and no-one is in their way to stop them.
Page 51:
What about Timm’s antidote?
And he's the only one who can make it! If he's still alive!
He still lives. But Creech holds him under his power and makes him manufacture the dreadful gas.
If we can bring him back here, he could work for us. It’s all about getting him out of Doomcrag.
Nothing is easier! You will retrieve him with a helicopter.
A helicopter? The monstrous birds will immediately attack it!
And by the way, they will attack any means of transport. The best way is to swim there.
Nick and Don are excellent swimmers. At nightfall…
Provided we don’t meet with the white eyed sharks!
Or the giant lobsters and Crabs!
Page 52:
But the monsters living on the seabed seem to be asleep.
No trace! So much the better!
What luck! I can’t believe my eyes.
But a familiar voice startles them.
Ha! We meet again, my good friends!
Under the rays of the moon, the white eyes of Creech flash sinisterly.
Poor Morons!
My aquatic friends have notified me of your arrival. You are surrounded. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Page 53:
A policeman seizes the two young men by their shoulders.
Do I tear them to bits or what Boss?
I want them to live and suffer.
Flashes of hate shoot from the eyes of the monster.
I could transform you two into white eyes.
You are unworthy of such a fate!
You will suffer! SUFFER!
And the two boys are moved to the amusement park that Creech has made his headquarters.
Hold Timms! I bring you two helpers! They will undergo the same torture as you for each day of delay!
No! NO! Please not that torture!
When they find themselves alone with the chemist.
Timms! Come on, let's see! You have to work on the antidote! We must do it to save humanity!
I have already found it.
Page 54:
He takes in his hands two small ampules.
In my left hand is the antidote, in my right, the super gas, one puff of which will allow a man to move mountains!
Good! We have to get min off this island immediately!
Let’s hide them, the dawn will is coming soon!
Yes, but how? The white eyes are everywhere.
A few minutes later, there are three silhouetted profiles in the park.
It was certainly not their lucky day.
Gaah! Yells the particularly articulate policeman.
Let’s hurry! Let’s quickly climb the cliff!
Page 55:
As the two boys and the chemist climb as fast as they can.
There we go! He is not following us!
In front of them is a menacing danger.
Timms! Use the antidote quickly!
Gah! Argh!
Timms is unsettled.
I mixed the ampules up!
I do not know which one is the antidote and which is the gas!
Too bad! Try and use any of them.
Page 56:
I hope it’s the right one.
The ampule comes crashing down at the feet of the policeman. He utters a cry that makes the cliff shake.
Argh! Argh! Argh!
As he pounds his fists on the rocks.
Argh! Oink! Oink! Police sounds!
The cliffs begin to tremble as if it were an earthquake.
It was the wrong ampule! He has become super powerful!
Page 57:
The policeman becomes a thousand times fiercer!
Ga! Argh! Oink!
For heaven's sake Timms, send the antidote before that individual destroys the entire island!
Let’s go! And I hope the formula works!
The ampoule bursts at the feet of the uniformed man, and immediately:
Hello, hello, hello, you three tell me why you’re up there! It’s forbidden!
Page 58:
In a few minutes the policeman took on his normal appearance and remembers what happened.
If your friend has the secret antidote, we must immediately bring him back to the mainland. Follow me.
Where are you taking these miserable three, Brother?
Orders from the boss. Top secret!
Accompanied by the policeman, Timms, Nick and Don arrive safe and sound on dry land.
Stop right there! Who are you!
Dexter and Redding! Take us to the General quick as you can!
Seconds later.
Perfect Timms! Now, quick as you can, without delay, you get to work and produce the antidote.
Nothing simpler, Colonel! After mid-day nap times, I’ll have large quantities ready.
Page 59:
Indeed, a few hours later the first helicopter carrying the antidote flies over the railway tracks heading to London.
Attention! Here come the shock troops of the white eyes heading towards London!
At the head of the Shock troops, the redoubtable Missus Pinkie did not lose her courage!
Poor Miserables! Do you think that you can stop us!
They are dispensing some product on us.
A little later, the shock troops is composed only of the old and feeble.
What are we doing here?
I want to go home.
Is it elevens yet? Where is my cocoa and biscuits?
Let’s hurry back, we will miss the soap opera on television.
The same evening the island of Doomcrag is rid of the white eyes.
This time we have succeeded!
Page 60:
Aware of the danger, Ezra Creech hurries to leave the island in his own manner, in the claws of a mighty white eyed eagle!
Quickly my feathered brother! Quickly, before they enfeeble us!
But Creech doesn’t make it very far.
Turn left, my friend, or we are prisoners!
One second later, the Eagle returns to normal, and the monstrous Creech tumbles into the Port.
Squawk! Argh!
Doomcrag is definitively free from the nightmare of the white eyes.
I hope this time it's the end of Ezra Creech Nick! And that it is also the end of the monsters with white eyes!
End of the episode!
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