Episode 44E epiloge

2 years ago

I was just finishing up episode 44 on Revelations 17. I was talking about the office I want to open to feed hungry children, retired people, and actually anyone who comes in.
I can't get access to the foodbank unless I have an office with refrigerators etc. The people at the food bank were very rude to me. They laughed at my idea. I will have to have an office to hopefully get access to donations and the foodbank.
I have run into many roadblocks, I was very depressed at first. It took me a year to write the paperwork for this non-profit. Then everywhere I went after that turned me down, laughed at me. One lady said we could cooperate. I gave her all of the money in my account. loaded her shelves, then when I went back, she said she didn't need my help and closed the door in my face.
So! I am determined, I will have to do this myself.
ozarkhunger@gmail.com if you can donate. It is tax deductible.
Thank you!

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