Want to get ahead, humble yourself (Take a lower seat Luke 14:7-14)

1 year ago

Want to get ahead, humble yourself (Take a lower seat Luke 14:7-14)
What if you woke up one day and realized that everything you knew was wrong? Up is down, left is right, the loved are really hated, the rich are poor, and light is really darkness. You would have to relearn everything you had ever been taught as now nothing is as it seems. Life would be completely different as you tried to navigate your way through a world that is nothing like you previously thought it was. One day many will open their eyes in eternity only to be standing before a Holy and Righteous God only to realize that they had it wrong their entire life. The things they thought was important was meaningless and they things they valued had zero value, had great value to the Creator of all life. In our parable Jesus tells the crowd that if you want to get ahead in life you have be willing to disappear from the spotlight. In addition, to taking a step back he said that instead of trying to impress those with higher social status we need to be serving those around us whom life hasn’t treated so kindly. You may seem like you are getting ahead in life by pursuing the things of this world but, but you are digging yourself into an eternal hole that is impossible to climb out of.
Our society tell us that to get ahead there is a certain set of standards that one must live up to, God says completely ignore what this world tells you and pursue His Kingdom above all else. (Matthew 6:33) If you want to move forward in God’s Kingdom, you must turn you back on this world run as hard and as fast as you can into the arms of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 6:17 tells us that we are to come out from the world and separate ourselves from them and then and only then will He receive us into His Kingdom. We have been brainwashed by the lies and propaganda of this world to believe that the pursuit of happiness begins with getting everything we want but, true happiness comes when we abandon what we want and begin to pursue what God wants for us. We live in a world that has twisted and perverted the meaning of life into self-satisfaction when it is really about self-denial and the pursuit of God. Jesus said in Matthew 16:24, whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Him. Contrary to what our world tells us, life is not about getting what we want, it is about reconnecting to what we have lost, our relationship with the Creator.

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