Burial Mounds Investigation, Part 3 - Agents of B.E.A.R.D. - Dungeons & Dragons Live Play

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DRACO ( @SunBears ), Moira ( @iondis ), Shinichi ( @spiderheartsMC ), and Svamp ( @LBekkzilla ) sit down for a good ol' fashioned D&D game. DM'd by me.

Their assignment: Burial mounds were located a few hours northeast of Sydund. Investigate what is there and document anything you find for the Records Guild. Clear out any undead so that a team of archaeologists can go in and study them.

We are using a modified version of "Barrowmaze" by Greg Gillespie for this mini-series.

"Agents of B.E.A.R.D." is a D&D campaign that blends West Marches and traditional long-term campaigns, perfect for those seeking a flexible experience. The game world is dynamic and interconnected, where every event sets the stage for future possibilities. The story is crafted through collaboration, and your characters should have backstories that connect them to the world but also drive them to pursue their own personal quests and goals. Join us for one-offs or a long term campaign with a relaxed schedule.

#dungeonsanddragons #dnd #westmarches #dnd5e #opendnd #barrowmaze #megadungeon

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**Special Thanks**
○ Joe, Sir Vyper and Bart on Patreon
○ @AlethaPrime
○ @TheGamerHobbit
○ @Inditorias
○ @thehiddencryptid
○ @LBekkzilla
○ @iondis
○ @spiderheartsMC
○ @SunBears
○ @plazmahero643
○ @omeletteplays2929
○ @Medikit65
○ @jessejamesgames8148
○ @TheBeardedTeacher
○ @VottPlays

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#unorthoblocks #alphacraft #dungeonsanddragons

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