I Tested MAGGUTS and I Like Them

1 year ago

I ordered Magguts from Magguts.com for my Sig P365 and Kahr Arms P380. Didn't know how they would work, but tried them at the range. At the same time I started breaking in my Kahr P380 using one of the 6 round magazines I had converted with Magguts to 7 rounds. That's so I can do the 200 round break with 10 reloads. Any failures were not attributed to the Magguts. These things work great (in my humble opinion).

Link to Sig Guy Video for P365 Magguts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH9nnaT6jqA

Link to Magguts http://magguts.com

Link to Rag Mop:

by Johnnie Lee Wills (the original) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wue5xqag2_I

by Lionel Hampton (the one I used) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96VOnOtf8SM

by The Ames Brothers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul1_X6osfMQ

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