Don't Untie the Altar

2 years ago

Scripture references: Isaiah 53, Matthew 18, Colossians 3, Hebrews 10, Romans 12, and Matthew 12

Prayer Shawl Article:

You and I have been told since we first knew about the Bible: Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven.

But.. WHAT is being bound? What is being loosed? What is being hidden and what is being shown?

Today, it is about the bind, the loose, and the hidden meaning behind it all. Are you a slave? A servant? A friend? And are you bound or loosed?

Jesus came to this earth and was afflicted, but did not open his mouth. From this we can conclude that He had no opinion that came from Him only. THIS is a pattern.

The angels don't know what it means to be redeemed and the demonic don't know what it means to overcome.

Jesus paid with His life, a once and for all payment. This was the CONTRACT completed with the Principality of DEATH. The proof or evidence of that CONTRACT being appropriated or in use by you or I is by how much authority you have over the snakes & scorpions. Or in Norm terms, "over the principalities and imps".

And if you are asked by God to get on the altar to be a living sacrifice and you keep crawling off because the fire is too hot, then you do not have or do not want to have the authority over the imps and principalites. And if you do not have authority over, they have authority over you.


Kingdom Protocol Conference - Natasha goes to Trinidad to tell them why the Protocol of Heaven is above the protocol of earth

Repentance: Cleansing the Generational Bloodline - Natasha goes into great detail on the level of repentance that allows the reader to annihilate the regional principalities so that the Kingdom of God can be let loose on the earth around you, fulfilling the Lord's Prayer of "thy Kingdom com, thy will be done on earth as it already is in Heaven". It is also the HIGHLY recommended companion to this group due to the word Repentance.

Audio Version of this teaching, 9 years later:

Encountering God's Normal - Kevin Zadai
(One of the books that I have recorded into the group already.) This one book reset my process of life. God's version of normal isn't what I thought it was, despite being a leader in my group.


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