Lesson 56: Jesus the Jealous God 062520

1 year ago

The Bible Show
Lesson 56: Jesus the Jealous God 062520

01.) Exodus 20:1-6 (Thy God am a jealous God).
02.) Deuteronomy 4:23-24 (God is a consuming fire).
03.) Nahum 1:2, 6 (God is jealous and will take revenge).
04.) Merriam Webster Dictionary: Jealous - Hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage; Envious; Intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness; Disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness; Vigilant in guarding a possession.
05.) Exodus 32:1-8 (Israel worships a golden calf).
06.) Bible-History.com (Egyptian bull god Apis).
Apis in Egyptian mythology
"In Egyptian mythology, Apis or Hapis (alternatively spellled Hapi-ankh), was a bull-deity worshipped in the Memphis region.
Apis was the most important of all the sacred animals in Egypt, and, as with the others, its importance increased as time went on.
In Egyptian Mythology Apis was a god depicted as a bull, symbolizing fertility and strength in war. [Oxford Dictionary]
Apis in the Louvre Museum
In Ancient Egypt, Apis or Hapis was thought to represent rulership and masculine vigor. Though originally a local deity, his popularity grew throughout the dynastic history, such that, by the Ptolemaic period, he was "a kind of national mascot."[1] The worship of Apis was certainly the most popular of the three great bull cults of ancient Egypt (the others being the bulls Mnevis and Buchis.)
07.) Exodus 34:10-17 (Make no molten gods).
08.) Judges 10:6-16 (Israel serves gods of surrounding nations).
09.) TheCompellingTruth.org: Baalim
Who was the god Baal?
Baal was the name of the main god of the Canaanites in Old Testament times. The name Baal was used of gods all over the area. Scripture frequently mentioned Baal as a pagan god that the true God's people were to avoid.
10.) TheFreeDictionary.com: Baalim
Baal (redirected from Baalim)
Ba·al (bä′äl′, bäl, bāl)
n. pl. Ba·als or Ba·a·lim (bä′ä-lĭm, bä′lĭm)
1. Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false gods by the Hebrews.
2. Often baal - A false god or idol.
11.) BibleStudyTools.com: Asthroth
The moon goddess of the Phoenicians, representing the passive principle in nature, their principal female deity; frequently associated with the name of Baal, the sun-god, their chief male deity. These names often occur in the plural (Ashtaroth, Baalim), probably as indicating either different statues or different modifications of the deities. This deity is spoken of as Ashtoreth of the Zidonians. She was the Ishtar of the Accadians and the Astarte of the Greeks. Under the name of Ishtar, she was one of the great deities of the Assyrians. The Phoenicians called her Astarte. Solomon introduced the worship of this idol. It was called the "queen of heaven".
12.) 1 Kings 14:22-23 (Israel builds high places and images).
13.) Ezekiel 8:1-18 (Israel's abominations).
14.) BibleHub.com: Tammuz
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
The name of a Phoenician deity, the Adonis of the Greeks. He was originally a Sumerian or Babylonian sun-god, called Dumuzu, the husband of Ishtar, who corresponds to Aphrodite of the Greeks. The worship of these deities was introduced into Syria in very early times under the designation of Tammuz and Astarte, and appears among the Greeks in the myth of Adonis and Aphrodite, who are identified with Osiris and Isis of the Egyptian pantheon, showing how widespread the cult became.
15.) 1 Corinthians 10:1-5, 7 14, 20-22 (Don't provoke the Lord to jealousy).
16.) 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 (Another Jesus).
17.) Luke 13:34-35 (Jesus would have gathered Israel).
18.) John 14:1-3 (Jesus prepares a place for His believers).
19.) Matthew 24:29-31 (The Son of Man comes in the clouds)
20.) Revelation 2:12-17 (Repent, Jesus comes quickly).
21.) Revelation 3:11-13 (Jesus comes quickly).
22.) Revelation 22:7, 12-14, 20 (Lord Jesus testifies).
23.) 1 Timothy 1:1-4 (Sound doctrine).

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