Google Search Censorship Proof Clicks Farms Censored by Google Search Results March 18, 2023

1 year ago

Google Search Censorship Proof Clicks Farms Censored by Google Search Results March 18, 2023

How Can Your Website be First Search Result First Page on Bing Search, First on Yahoo Search and First on DuckDuckgo Search But Not be Found on Google Search?

Simple! You're Censored by Google! Google has a BlackList of Websites that Will NOT Display in the Search Results, And You're Not the Only One Being Censored by Google!

Google Actively Censors and BlackLists Websites and Content from Independent Content Creators in-Lieu of Paid-For-Advertisement at the Direct Expense of Providing Unbiased Search Results (The Actual Internet Search Results) for a type in word or phrase. In other words, Google Search is a Corrupt Extortion Racket that Prioritizes Sponsored Paid-For Ads At the Expense of Non-Paid Ads from Small Businesses and Independent Content Creator's Websites that Should be in the Search Results.

Proof Google Search is a Censorship Propaganda Racket.

Proof of the DOJ Lawsuit Claims against Google Search for Anti-Trust Violations of Monopoly Powers.

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