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Covid-19 U.S.A. Paid Chinese Scientists For Gain-Of-Function-Research For Bioweapon
The world is witnessing one of the worst pandemics in history. Millions of lives have been lost, major economies have been crippled and large scale destruction has taken place. More than a year after the outbreak of the pandemic, the world is still investigating what led to the outbreak of the deadly virus. Was it an accidental lab leak? Does the virus have a natural origin? Or Is Covid-19 an act of bioterrorism? Ever since the first covid positive case was reported in China's Wuhan, theories around the origin of Covid-19 have multiplied like the virus itself. China’s reluctance to allow in independent investigators muddied the waters even further. The secrecy shrouding the origin of SARS-Cov-2 begs the question - What is China hiding? Was the virus bioengineered? Is Covid-19 a bioweapon?
Here's are big factors that tell us there is a sinister purpose behind the vaccinate the world agenda. This question has been discussed endlessly on the Internet, and around the world, ever since it was announced last year that there would be a rushed program to develop the Covid-19 vaccines using this new experimental technology, and when Bill Gates announced his often repeated agenda to ‘vaccinate everyone’ - all 7 billion plus people on the planet.
A recent study sheds some light on the dangers of these vaccines, and adds weight to the argument that there might be a sinister purpose behind them.
An Israeli study recently published in the British Medical Journal1 compared vaccinated and unvaccinated groups of people to compare the risks of being infected by Covid-19, the risk of getting ill, and the risk of hospitalization.
This study was done in a period when the Delta variant was the most dominant virus variant in Israel. The most useful conclusions are in the comparison between the group who had never been infected with Covid-19, but had received 2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, compared to the group who had previously been infected with Covid-19, but were still unvaccinated.
This is a comparison of vaccinated immunity with natural immunity. The study showed that: Vaccinated people have a 13 times greater risk of breakthrough infection. Vaccinated people have a 27 times greater risk of developing symptoms. Vaccinated people have an eight times greater risk of being hospitalized. This study shows us that the Covid-19 vaccines don’t appear to reduce the rate of infection, but actually increase it. The vaccines don’t appear to reduce the development of sickness and symptoms, but actually increase it. This means the vaccines are increasing the amount of contagious people that are capable of spreading the virus. And the vaccine’s don’t appear to reduce the rate of hospitalization, but actually increases it, which very likely increases the deaths.
So , it is reasonable to conclude that the vaccines are making the Covid-19 pandemic problem far worse, not better. And in fact we can find evidence for this elsewhere.
Ever since the mass vaccination program was rolled out across the world in almost every country that it was implemented, the Covid-19 cases, people with symptoms, and hospitalizations have skyrocketed.
This has happened in not just Israel, the most vaccinated country on earth, but in countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Seychelles.
I live in Thailand so I have seen it here first hand. Before the mass vaccination program started in late March 2021 we had less than 100 Covid-19 deaths in one year.
As the mass vaccination program started in Thailand it was the beginning of summer. Temperatures rocketed to 35-40 degrees Celsius. Coronaviruses are a winter virus, they do not generally circulate in summer. And not in such heat.
But despite that Covid-19 cases skyrocketed in Thailand.
According to the Worldometer website, the number of positive Covid-19 cases in Thailand as at the 28th of February 2021 was just 25,951 - after one year.
But by the 15th of September 2021 this had skyrocketed to 1,420,340 cases - an increase of 5,400%.
In the summer of 2020, as you can see from the flat line on the chart, there was no Covid-19 crisis in the country.
But what is infinitely more disturbing, and much sadder, are the deaths in Thailand attributed to Covid-19 in the same period.
On the Worldometer chart it shows us that on the 28th of February 2021 there had been a total of 83 deaths in Thailand attributed to Covid-19 in one year.
But by the 15th of September 2021 the total deaths have skyrocketed to 14,765. This is an increase in deaths of 17,800%. If you go to the Worldometer2 website you will see this exact same trend for mass vaccinations in many countries. I have looked at the charts for Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Seychelles. The trend is exactly the same in each country. As soon as mass vaccinations started, the Covid-19 cases and deaths skyrocketed.
It is a very stark trend in countries, like the ones I just mentioned, that had little or no Covid-19 cases or deaths before the mass vaccination programs started.
Despite all of this evidence of the lack of effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines, and the clear trends that in countries that are rolling out mass vaccination programs, that there is a massive spike in cases, sick people, and deaths, the World Health Organization, western governments, public health officials, and the the liberal mainstream media, are all ignoring it.
And the totalitarians tech terrorists in Silicon Valley regularly censor doctors, scientists, and the general public for speaking up about these issues.
Worse than that is that the mandate to vaccinate the world continues relentlessly.
We must ask the question why is the American government, under the Biden administration, so obsessed with forcing the maximum number of people to be vaccinated?
And why are the leaders in many other western countries equally obsessed with pushing the vaccines?
President Joe Biden is not just obsessed with vaccinating Americans. A White House staffer recently indicated that Biden is thinking about asking the United Nations to set a mandate to vaccinate the world. This would contravene all of the United Nations conventions on human rights. And in fact we have not seen the United Nations speak up against the tyranny and human rights abuses of the Covid-19 dictators at all.
The vaccinate the world agenda has passed through many stages. We have seen the never ending fear campaign used to try and incentivize the populations of the countries all over the world to get the jab. Governments have used lockdowns, incentives, coercion, pressure, influencers, the media, lies, misinformation, and deception to push the jabs.
And now across the world they are trying to force vaccinations with mandates, many of which are illegal, unconstitutional, and reek of totalitarianism. Western governments, have for the most part, gone stark raving mad, and are acting like communist or fascist style totalitarian dictators masquerading as our leaders, and telling us it is all for public health, while everything they do has the opposite effect.
So, I believe that there are 2 clear indications that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are in fact a bioweapon that are being used for power, politics, and profits.
The first is simply that the mRNA vaccines are spreading Covid-19 across the globe. They have increased the risk of being infected, they have increased the risk of getting ill, they have increased the risk of being hospitalized, and in many places we can see it increases the risk of deaths, or adverse events.
These negative outcomes of the Covid-19 vaccines have allowed the World Health Organization to continue to claim that the pandemic has not ended, which gives the Covid dictators a continuing mandate to try and force through totalitarian measures like mass digital surveillance masquerading as vaccine passports.
And the second is that the western countries leaders seem to have been transformed into totalitarian dictators ever since the Covid-19 pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization on the 11th of March 2020.
Every single Covid-19 policy that has come out of the W.H.O., and been used by the world’s governments, has helped to create massive negative impacts on society, have caused a disaster for public health, and have decimated the global economy killing hundreds of millions of jobs, devastating businesses all across the globe, causing uncountable trillions of dollars in economic devastation. And it has all been ignored.
All of this in the name of health?
What we are really living through is World War 3. We see that both sides of the political divide in almost all of the countries that have been under the power of the Covid dictators are cooperating and working together in lockstep with a global alliance, implementing the same policies, to try to force the world into a totalitarian style state.
We have seen endless lockdowns, endless censorship, stopping all cures for the disease, curfews, fines, police tyranny, endless fear mongering, and now trying to force populations to vaccinate by both ignoring the lack of risks, refusing to treat the disease, and insisting that the only way to make the world safe is to vaccinate everyone - which is a colossal lie, and that we must accept digital surveillance forever as the price to have our freedoms returned.
Actually the best way to make the world safe, and to restore our freedoms, civil liberties, and human rights, would be to rid it of the plague of communist-fascist Covid dictators. So are the Covid-19 vaccines a bioweapon? What do you think?
U.S.A. Paid Chinese Scientists For Gain-Of-Function-Research Planned To Use Covid As Bio Weapon: Reports The genie is out of the bottle, and the evidence is piling up. A recent FOIA release is showing that Anthony Fauci has been dissembling, and apparently outright lying, about the NIH’s financial support of gain of function research at the Wuhan lab in China.
When early reports of what would later become known as COVID-19 spread through the city of Wuhan in late 2019, a shared trait among many of the first patients was that they had been to the Huanan seafood market, a live animal market theorized to be the origin of the COVID-19 outbreak. Wuhan — a city of over 11 million — also has at least two infectious-disease research labs. One, the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, is apparently less than a mile from the Huanan market. The other, the State Key Laboratory of Virology (sometimes referred to as the Wuhan Institute of Virology), is a biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory certified to handle the world's most deadly pathogens. This higher security lab is located about 7 miles from the Huanan market.
While the higher security lab in Wuhan has worked with coronaviruses, it does not appear that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention — the one close to the market — had published any research on the topic prior to the pandemic. Both labs, however, have studied viral samples sourced from bats. Virology research work often involves bats, a proposed source of the novel coronavirus’ transfer from animal to human, because they harbor a uniquely large reservoir of viruses compared to other mammals. Research on coronaviruses is an important focus of China’s scientific efforts ever since the 2002 SARS epidemic, which was also caused by a coronavirus.
The proximity of these labs to the Huanan seafood market and these labs' history with at least tangentially related infectious disease research are the only factual elements to the “created-in-a-lab” theory that are undisputed, rather than speculative or rooted in false scientific claims. For example, it is factual to state that the Chinese government hid, downplayed, and misrepresented to its citizens and the world the threat posed by the novel coronavirus. It is speculative, however, to assert, as U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton did, that these actions were done to cover up a leak from a lab.
Several evidentiary gaps exist between the observation of virology labs close or somewhat close to a market where early COVID-19 cases were identified and the conclusion that the Chinese government is covering up for the fact that they accidentally released an engineered viral agent from one of these labs. In conspiracy theory circles, these gaps have been filled with extremely flawed or bogus science, the incorrect interpretation of existing science, or both. Not only do these arguments — discussed in detail below — lack merit on their own, factual scientific studies concerning the origin of SARS-CoV-2 actually provide the strongest refutation to date of the claim the virus was "created in a lab."
A February 2020 document erroneously described by several media outlets as a "scientific study" provides the supposedly science-based evidence of a virus escaping from a lab.
This paper, such as it is, merely highlights the close distance between the seafood market and the labs and falsely claimed to have identified instances in which viral agents had escaped from Wuhan biological laboratories in the past. With those two elements, half of them factual, the authors come to the sweeping conclusion that “somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus,” and “the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.” While SARS viruses have escaped from a Beijing lab on at least four occasions, no such event has been documented in Wuhan.
The purported instances of pathogens leaking from Wuhan laboratories, according to this “study,” came from a Chinese news report (that we believe, based on the similarity of the research described and people involved, to be reproduced here) that profiled a Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention researcher named Tian Junhua. In 2012 and 2013, he captured and sampled nearly 10,000 bats in an effort to decode the evolutionary history of the hantavirus. In two instances, this researcher properly self-quarantined either after being bitten or urinated on by a potentially infected bat, he told reporters. These events, according to the 2013 study his research produced, occurred in the field and have nothing to do with either lab’s ability to contain infective agents. The paper also asserts without evidence that infectious waste was merely tossed out of the lab closer to the market as regular trash.
In sum, this paper — which was first posted on and later deleted from the academic social networking website ResearchGate — adds nothing but misinformation to the debate regarding the origins of the novel coronavirus and is not a real scientific study.
Another line of pseudoscientific reasoning concerns claims that the virus is just too perfectly built to infect humans to be a virus of natural origin. A big talking point in this space stems from a paper that was later retracted by the authors themselves. On Feb. 2, a team of Indian researchers released a non-peer-reviewed preprint of a paper asserting to have found “uncanny” similarities between amino acid structures in SARS-CoV-2 and HIV. “The finding,” they argued, “is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” seemingly implying a level of human engineering behind the virus.
The paper was swiftly retracted by the authors, according to STAT News, with commenters noting the study’s rushed methods and likely coincidental, if not entirely incorrect, conclusion. A Feb. 14 paper, this one peer-reviewed, “demonstrated no evidence that the sequences of these four inserts are HIV-1 specific or the [SARS-CoV-2] viruses obtain these insertions from HIV-1.”
Speaking to Snopes by email, Robert Garry, an infectious disease expert at Tulane University who has published on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, told us by email that “the so-called HIV sequences are very short — nothing more than random chance.”
Such a reality has not stopped pseudoscientific internet personalities from incorporating these already discredited results into misinformed conspiracy theories while pushing vaccine skeptical content.
On March 8, 2020, (and again on March 22) — well after the aforementioned HIV paper was retracted and refuted — Joseph Mercola, an alternative medicine guru behind the website, published an “expert interview” with Francis Boyle, a lawyer with no formal training in virology. This interview managed to merge all of the previously described false scientific claims into one narrative that has been shared widely online.
Boyle’s knowledge, he stated explicitly in this interview, does not come from having worked for the U.S. government, from having any sort of security clearance, or from having “access to any type of secret information.” It is unclear, then, what experience he is basing the false claim that “the only reason for these BSL-4 facilities ... is the research, development, testing and stockpiling of offensive biological weapons.”
“The purpose of the BSL-4 labs,” Garry told us, "is to design the countermeasures (diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines) to these pathogens.” He added that he knows “many American scientists that collaborate with the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” and that it “does not have any offensive bioweapons development capability.” In response to the weapon stockpile claim, North Carolina State University epidemiology Professor Matt Koci told us “the idea that level 4 labs are only for weaponizing pathogens [and] that people go and find diseases then weaponize them ... makes no sense.”
The remaining assertions appear to have their roots in the two previously debunked claims from above: No, Wuhan’s labs do not have documented cases of accidental SARS releases. No, HIV sequences are not a feature of SARS-CoV-2. Garry told us that “SARS-CoV-2 may well prove to be a recombinant virus” — i.e., one that has viral components sourced from viruses originating in multiple animals — “but this occurred in nature, not in the lab.” It is not, as has been suggested, some sort of creation built by mixing the most extreme parts of known human viruses together. “There is no evidence to support that claim,” Koci told us.
With those bogus scientific claims stripped away, we are left with the same circumstantial evidence present at the top of the story: A virology lab (which does not appear to have worked on coronaviruses) exists in close proximity to the proposed origin of the outbreak, and another, higher-security lab that has worked on coronaviruses is located miles away from the market.
Could science, alternatively, help to rule out the possibility SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab? Indeed, the actual peer-reviewed research on the deadly adaptations present in the virus are also the strongest argument yet against the notion that it has been engineered.
Viruses, in general, are tiny fragments of DNA or RNA coated with protein that insert themselves into an organism's cells. Once there, the virus consumes a cell’s resources and makes copies of itself. The cell dies and the newly created viral material is free to infect other cells. Though viruses do evolve via natural selection like living organisms, their inability to create their own energy through metabolism generally precludes them from being considered alive.
Coronaviruses are a class of “enveloped” RNA viruses. They protect themselves with an outer envelope of lipid material. Coronaviruses, in particular, have spikes that point out of this envelope of protection, a feature that can aid in the infection of cells.
Until the early 2000s, there was limited scientific interest in human coronaviruses, as they only seemed capable of creating mild cold symptoms. The 2002 SARS epidemic, caused by a coronavirus, flipped that conventional wisdom on its head. This particular coronavirus had a new adaptation: the ability for those pointy spikes to bind to a chemical in human blood called Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2). This adaptation, scientists argue, is what allowed the SARS coronavirus to jump from an animal to a human and cause disease.
The new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, also contains this adaptation, but an even stronger variant of it. As described by Ed Yong in The Atlantic, “the exact contours of SARS-CoV-2’s spikes allow it to stick far more strongly to ACE2 than SARS-classic did.” The novel coronavirus also has another adaptation that makes it good at infecting humans. Spike proteins are composed of two halves and activate only when a chemical “bridge” is broken. In SARS-CoV-2, Yong wrote, “the bridge that connects the two halves can be easily cut by an enzyme called furin, which is made by human cells and — crucially — is found across many tissues.” Not only do these spikes bind strongly to human cells, in other words, but the chemical required to initially activate those spikes happen to be prevalent throughout the human body.
These two adaptations are the features of the coronavirus that cause speculation about it being engineered to kill. The problem, according to a team of researchers who analyzed the genome of SARS-CoV-2 for a March 2020 paper in Nature Medicine, is that if someone wanted to design a virus using methods currently available to science, scientists would not have solved the problem the way nature apparently did, because scientists wouldn't have predicted it to be a viable solution in the first place.
Over a decade of research following the first SARS outbreak has allowed scientists to develop computer models that predict, among other things, what human chemicals a theoretical coronavirus could bind to and how strong that bond would be. When researchers plug the new coronavirus into these models, they correctly predict it binds to ACE2, but incorrectly conclude it to be a weaker bond than SARS-1. In other words, if scientists wanted to create a deadly coronavirus as a weapon, the tools available to them would have suggested the SARS-CoV-2 model would be a waste of time. This, the study’s authors argue, is evidence that the spike adaptation is “most likely the result of natural selection.”
To that point, while the most similar known animal virus to SARS-CoV-2 is currently found in bats, similar coronaviruses also have been found in pangolins — a kind of anteater. While less similar as a whole, these pangolin viruses have similar spike genetics to the novel human coronavirus. This, they say, is further evidence of natural selection. “The pangolin viruses were sequenced after the COVID pandemic started,” explains Tulane’s Garry, who was an author on the Nature Medicine paper. “So yeah — this is a natural thing that no one in a lab would have or could [have] designed.” Such a reality undercuts claims of “chimera” viruses intentionally spliced together by humans, since humans didn’t know these specific spikes existed until after the pandemic began.
As for the second notable SARS-CoV-2 adaptation — the one that allows a chemical in human blood to activate the coronavirus spikes — this specific modification has not yet been found in nature. However, the authors noted, genetic “mutations, insertions, and deletions” do naturally occur in the portion of RNA that would create it. This, they argue, demonstrates that such an adaptation could, theoretically, “arise by a natural evolutionary process.”
In a commentary piece about this study, National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins wrote “this study leaves little room to refute a natural origin for COVID-19.” Though researchers do not yet have a clear idea of the exact origin or evolutionary history of SARS-CoV-2, the authors of the Nature Medicine paper provide two potential scenarios.
The theory that SARS-CoV-2 was manufactured in, and escaped from, a lab in Wuhan is based solely on the proximity of infectious-disease labs near a potential source of the COVID-19 outbreak. Several “scientific” claims have been made or manufactured to further bolster the notion that something nefarious is going on with COVID-19 and these labs, but this information comes from non-peer-reviewed papers misconstrued to be actual additions to the scientific record, or from disreputable websites like The actual scientific facts known about the novel coronavirus leave little room for it to be a virus of human creation, however.
We have little reason to doubt nature is capable of producing a virus like this. After all: “Nature has already created more than enough pandemic threats,” new world order told us.
Sydney: Amid the ongoing second surge of Covid-19 pandemic, a document has been obtained that was written by the Chinese scientists and health officials in 2015 on the novel coronavirus. The document has been reported by an Australian newspaper named as ‘Weekend Australian’.
The paper titled The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons suggested that World War Three would be fought with biological weapons. The document revealed that Chinese military scientists were discussing the weaponisation of SARS coronaviruses five years before the Covid-19 pandemic. The report by Weekend Australian was published in
According to ‘The Sun’ newspaper in the UK, quoting reports first released by ‘The Australian’, the “bombshell” documents obtained by the US State Department reportedly show the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) commanders making the sinister prediction.
US officials allegedly obtained the papers which were written by military scientists and senior Chinese public health officials in 2015 as part of their own investigation into the origins of COVID-19.
Chinese scientists described SARS coronaviruses — of which COVID is one example — as presenting a “new era of genetic weapons”.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, several of which cause respiratory diseases in humans – ranging from a common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
The PLA papers referenced seem to fantasise that a bioweapon attack could cause the “enemy’s medical system to collapse”.
The paper also includes musing that SARS —which hit China in 2003 — could have been a man-made bioweapon deliberately unleashed by “terrorists”.
They reportedly boasted the viruses could be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponised and unleashed in a way never seen before”.
The document lists some of China’s top public health figures among the authors and has been revealed in an upcoming book on the origins of COVID, titled ‘What Really Happened In Wuhan’.
Tom Tugendhat MP and Australian politician James Paterson said the document raises major concerns about China’s transparency on the origins of COVID-19.
Tugendhat, chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee, was quoted in ‘The Sun’ as saying: “China’s evident interest in bioweapons is extremely concerning. Even under the tightest controls these weapons are dangerous.
Peter Jennings, the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), told that the document is as close to a “smoking gun” as we’ve got.
“I think this is significant because it clearly shows that Chinese scientists were thinking about military application for different strains of the coronavirus and thinking about how it could be deployed,” said Jennings.
“It begins to firm up the possibility that what we have here is the accidental release of a pathogen for military use,” added Jennings.
“If this was a case of transmission from a wet market it would be in China’s interest to co-operate … we’ve had the opposite of that.”
Among the 18 listed authors of the document are People’s Liberation Army scientists and weapons experts.
Robert Potter, a cyber security specialist who analyses leaked Chinese government documents was asked by The Australian to verify the paper. He says the document definitely is not fake.
“We reached a high confidence conclusion that it was genuine … It’s not fake but it’s up to someone else to interpret how serious it is,” Potter told
“It emerged in the last few years … they (China) will almost certainly try to remove it now it’s been covered.”
Meanwhile, in Beijing, the state-run Global Times newspaper slammed The Australian for publishing the article to smear China.
This is probably the key to everything. For the Vaxxed, for the Unvaxxed. Here is an explanation of the natural and synthetic parasites we are facing, and a guide to the three things you need to do to protect yourself and your family. I do not believe the vaccine is an irreversible step.
NOTES: mRNA is too expensive to make. In 2018 a mRNA treatment cost $1 million and now only 2-3 years later they have it for billions of people for only $30 per dose? She says it doesn't make sense. She shows a short German video about Cancer as a parasitical infection. Questions Dr Lee Merritt asked herself: Why are cancers bursting out after the vax? Why does autoimmune disease respond to anti parasitical? Why do THEY (Fauci & others) hate antiparasiticals? Why can't we find mRNA's in these vaxxines? 18 labs around the country can NOT find mRNA's inside the vaxxines. Parasites & cancer under the microscope look identical. Shows Karen Kingstons work where they couldn't make a biological bioweapon work so used a synthetic nanoparticle smart hydrogel which IS the real spike protein. With this stuff in the body and 5G turned on it binds with the ACE-2 pathway and people get sick. Dose the population & control disease outbreak with external wavelength (5G). The best thing we can do right now is take the antiparasiticals. Mother parasite laying eggs. She gives off a hormone that keep the eggs unhatched but if she dies the eggs hatch. Specific time cycles to do the 3 day cycles. (28 minute mark) Start with a SHORT CYCLE of 3 days on & 5 days off. Gradually lengthen your cycle (Watch for a reaction). 2 months minimum. Once you can get to 3 days on & one month off you are on MAINTENANCE. In summary, parasites are at the heart of this. She like Chlorine Dioxide but if you tell anyone to take it you could go to jail. Check out her site THE MEDICAL REBEL as she has a simple guide on Chlorine Dioxide.
Use at least 2 drugs for the cycles. Dr Lee Merritt uses NITAZOXANIDE & FENBENDAZOLE.
NITAZOXANIDE (Alinia) 500mg twice daily for 3 days. Gut parasites (It takes out hydra (A fresh water parasite). Super duper stuff that gets rid of 85% tape worms in 3 days.
FENBENDAZOLE (Panacur C) cycle- Gets into the brain & cysts)- 750mg daily for 3 days.
Source: The Medical Rebel rumble channel
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