Throwback to President George W. Bush's speech about the shock and awe campaign in Iraq 20 years ago

1 year ago

I think that looking at our foreign policy decisions with Iraq can be great lessons to teach us about our decisions with respect to Ukraine.

20 years ago the US decided to play world police and overthrow Saddam Hussein and his Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party. This lead to a conflict that still has ramifications to this day. There continues to be a US presence in Iraq, even now.

As we debate involvement in Ukraine, I think it is beneficial to look at the decisions we made in the past. In the 2000s, I was a staunch supporter of the war in Iraq. I was wrong. The Democrats were correct about Iraq. I think interventionalist foreign policy and "nation building" is a foreign policy strategy with many weaknesses.

Let me know what you think.

Follow Me on Twitter: @andy_p_1989

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