Bad times bring strong people "sigma" affirmation song (original))

1 year ago

Good times bring weak people, weak people bring bad times, bad times bring strong people, strong people bring good times, no past or future only here and now, Christ Jesus came to set us free from matrix prison mentality reality, quantum psychology, quantum healing, healing music, music to uplift the spirits of those who are down and raise the vibration and frequency of all, universal magic, multiverse, timeline jumping, take your power back, we are all against ne, escape the NWO, mark of the beast, Armeggedon, end times, trials and tribulations, solipsism, real time demonstration of instant vibration/ mindset shifts in the song, strangest musical turnaround ever, the singing sigma, sigma nation, sigma mindset, power and glory, Grace, nothing in the world like when a man know he free, Unchurched believer in Christ, star seeds, chosen, elect of God, advancing ones, long suffering, unconditional love, forgive and let go freedom redemption liberation in Jesus mighty name, fasting, prayer, devotion, hallowed be thy name, semen retention, no fap, hard work discipline,ready for anything, follow your heart, legend in your own mind, vat-i-can corruption, whole system counterfeit, Trump vs Biden, mainstream media lies and scams, do not serve the dark ones rather Expose them, devil inside enemy within, kingdom of heaven inside every one of us, "ye are gods", that which is inside more powerful than outside, believe in yourself, never give up, "never put the letter before the holy spirit", trust, believe, trust in the Lord, in God we trust, America, American dream, China, Russia, Japan, Amazing Grace, hallowed be thy name, fight the good fight, I'm nothing without Christ Jesus, Father Son holy spirit (holy G-host), end times, rapture, faith, strength, pray, prayer, world war 3, choose Love not fear, choose gratitude not spite, American Dream a hoax, the cabal, third eye activation, pineal gland, quantum physics, they are panicking while matrix is crashing, end of the world as we knew it thank God, 3d to 5d shift, the great reset, the great rising, best time ever to be alive on Earth,Father creator Mother Gaia, mk ultra, illuminati, divine codes, channeling, light workers, ascended masters, angels and demons, way showers, guides teachers, enlightenment, biblical times,ancient knowledge and wisdom, silence is golden, quit strength, sweet solitude, single and happy, peace joy love and laughter forever after, pray for modern generation, breaking generational curses in the mighty name of Jesus, Yahweh, Jehovah, church Christian, Unchurched Christian, Religious.Trauma Syndrome (RTS), PTSD, mental illness, suicide, good news strong people are here, save America save the world,not afraid to look vulnerable a super strength, clean and purity, rebirth, reborn, Venus Mars Saturn, interplanetary, sun and moon, cosmos, Christ consciousness, Jeshua, unity over duality, get out in nature, great financial reset, self taught guitar player, heaven and hell, no past or future only present here and now, thank you Father creator and Mother universe gratitude eternal I love you thank you so much, he who is blessed by God is blessed indeed, divine protection, divine intervention, corrupt political system, narc versus empath, narc slayer, co-creating our own reality, law of attraction, manifestation of abundance, children of the sun Children of God, aliens, ETs, full disclosure, Andromeda, Orion, galactic federation, song for the new age revolution evolution, DNA, alternate musical tunings

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