Lesson 55: Death and Resurrection 061120

2 years ago

The Bible Show
Lesson 55: Death and Resurrection 061120

01.) Genesis 2:16-17 (Thou shalt surely die).
02.) Genesis 3:1-19 (Dust thou art, dust shalt thou return).
03.) Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 (The dust returns to the earth).
04.) Genesis 2:7 (Breath of life).
05.) Job 27:3-6 (Spirit of God in nostrils).
06.) Job 34:1-2, 10-11, 14-15 (Spirit and breath).
07.) Isaiah 42:5, 8 (Spirit and breath).
08.) 1 Peter 1:24 (All flesh is as grass).
09.) Isaiah 40:6-8 (The grass withereth and fadeth away).
09.) Ecclesiastes 9:1-6, 10 (The dead know not anything).
10.) John 7:33-36 (Where I am ye cannot come).
11.) John 1:18 (No man hath seen God at any time).
12.) John 5:37 (Ye have never heard the Father's voice).
13.) 1 Corinthians 15:12-23 (Men most miserable).
14.) Hebrews 11:39-40 (Not receive the promise without us).
15.) Job 14:12-15 (Wait in the grave until change comes).
16.) John 6:38-40, 44, 54 (Raised at the last day / Eternal life).
17.) 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (All changed at the last trump).
18.) Luke 23:39-43 (Today shalt thou be with me in paradise).
19.) Matthew 12:38-40 (Three days and three nights).
20.) Matthew 16:21 (Rise the third day).
21.) Mark 10:34 (He shall rise again the third day).
22.) Acts 10:36-41 (Jesus was raised the third day).
23.) John 20:1-3, 11-12, 16-17 (Touch me not).
24.) 2 Corinthians 5:5-9, 10 (Absent from the body, present with the Lord).
25.) Revelation 20:1-15 (The first resurrection, then the judgement).

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