2017年川普在自由大學給畢業生的勵志演講: 永不放棄 Trump's best motivational speech-Never Never Never Give Up!

1 year ago

Trump, echoing the theme, said, “If I give you one message to hold in your hearts today it is this: Never ever give up.” There will be “times in your life where you want to quit, but just never quit.”

The president also urged students to dream big and hold fast to their convictions in the face of criticism.

“Nothing worth doing ever came easy, but the future belongs to the dreamer not the critic,” Trump said. “Treat the word ‘impossible’ simply as motivation, and most importantly do what you love.”

Trump told the graduates: “This is your day and you’ve earned every minute of it. I am looking at the next generation of leaders of our country.”




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